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Celestia on Playstation 3

Posted: 26.03.2007, 07:48
by Antares7
Dear Celestia Developer,

first of all, what has been developed until now is absolutely GREAT!

Because I am a happy owner of a Playstation 3, I would like to see CELESTIA run under Linux on a PS3.
It would simply be great to smoothly fly aorund the Universe with a six-axis controller.
Kind regards


Posted: 28.03.2007, 12:19
by Christophe
Well, since Fedora reportedly works on the PS3 and since Celestia is available on Fedora, it can't be too difficult getting Celestia on the PS3.

Now, having a six axis controler working as expected with it might require a bit of work.

Posted: 28.03.2007, 15:20
by steffens
I read that there is no hardware graphic (2D, 3D, OpenGL) acceleration available on PS3 under linux, so Celestia would run very slow.
It looks like the lack of hardware support is there on purpose so no advanced (or pirate copied) games can be played under linux.
