MacOS X Celestia Users: Development Priorities?

The place to discuss creating, porting and modifying Celestia's source code.
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Post #21by HankR » 15.10.2004, 01:29


What were the changes you made to info.plist to get Celestia to launch on a cel: url?

- Hank

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Post #22by rthorvald » 15.10.2004, 01:50

selden wrote:Runar has been using Cel:// URLs with Celestia v1.3.1 on his Mac for quite some time. Maybe he can explain how he does it?

Well, you can copy them out (command-C), but don?t get any visual confirmation that you have it on the clipboard. Then you can paste them back in (command-V), also without any visual confirmation - exept that your view changes if the url works, of course. There?s no way to get or insert the URL via the menus.

(This is why i also write the URLs out on my webpages instead of only putting up links).

Also, not all types of URLs will work: you have to be centered on a major body (a planet or star) to be able to capture it. So, if you want to get an url to, say, a spaceship, you?ll have to pause the program with the ship in view, then select a visible nearby planet before copying the url...

- rthorvald

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Post #23by alphap1us » 15.10.2004, 02:48

Hi Hank,
The new info.plist file that I made is at ... Info.plist

I basically copied some keys out of Safari's info.plist and changed the http 's to cel's then put the new file in Celestia.

In the other post, I also gave links to some threads from the apple forums that described how this whole thing works. (Complicatedly)

Last edited by alphap1us on 15.10.2004, 07:21, edited 1 time in total.

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Celestia URLs on Mac OS X

Post #24by HankR » 15.10.2004, 04:55


You should find "Copy" and "Paste" in the Celestia "File" menu. These apply to Celestia URLs, although I guess it isn't obvious. In Safari, you can point to a Celestia URL link, bring up a contextual menu with the "control" modifier key, and choose "Copy Link to Clipboard". Then you can "Paste" the URL for the link from the Clipboard into Celestia. Or you can just "drag and drop" the link from Safari onto the Celestia window, which has the same effect as cut and paste (but is much easier).

- Hank

Topic author

Post #25by HankR » 15.10.2004, 04:57


Your link to the Motherlode seems to be broken.

- Hank

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Post #26by alphap1us » 15.10.2004, 07:22

Ooops, I meant Info.plist not info.plist

I fixed the link so there wouldn't be a broken one.


Topic author

Post #27by HankR » 15.10.2004, 16:36


Doesn't work for me. Sorry.

- Hank

Topic author

Post #28by HankR » 15.10.2004, 16:43


Oops. That probably wasn't clear. The link works fine now, but copying your Info.plist into the app package doesn't seem to work as you described.

I also tried to set Celestia as the protocol helper for cel: using the freeware "More Internet" system preferences panel, but it says "There was a problem setting the app as the helper."

- Hank


Post #29by Guest » 15.10.2004, 17:52

Hi Hank,
Did you restart after replacing the file? Apparently OS X reads the info at boot and then doesn't check again, so you need to re-boot before this will work. I am not at home right now, so I can't examine the issue, but I'll take a look later today (3-4 hours from now.)


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Re: Celestia URLs on Mac OS X

Post #30by rthorvald » 15.10.2004, 20:28

HankR wrote:you can just "drag and drop" the link from Safari onto the Celestia window

Ow, why didn?t i think of that... Ok, less work to make web pages for the addons from now on 8O

- rthorvald

PS: i *really* want an OSX 1.3.2! Regrettably, i can?t code, or i would help. If there?s anything else i can do to speed up the process (beta testing or other menial tasks), let me know.

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Post #31by HankR » 15.10.2004, 21:27


Yes, I tried restarting. No luck.

- Hank

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Post #32by alphap1us » 16.10.2004, 01:33

Hi Hank,
Under 10.3 with Celestia 1.3.1 with only Info.plist changed from the original install, I can click on the hyperlink that says "image captured via cel://URL" at the following page. Celestia launches and executes the default script. Perhaps other mac users like Runar, Cham and Howard can comment on whether or not they got this to work for them?


Topic author

Post #33by HankR » 16.10.2004, 05:24


I'm still running 10.2, so perhaps that's the reason it's not working for me. Although I'd like to see this problem fixed, and it will probably be a quick code change once we've figured out what needs to be done, I'm reluctant to delay the initial release from the 1.3.2 source on account of this. We can investigate further and hopefully solve it once the initial release is out. Does that sound reasonable to you?

- Hank

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Post #34by alphap1us » 16.10.2004, 06:04

Yeah sure, go ahead and release it. is there some way we can transparently upload a new binary without calling it 1.3.2-2 or something? This would probably ease confusion.


Topic author

Post #35by HankR » 17.10.2004, 17:29


My current plan is to release Celestia 1.3.2 for MacOS X as a pair of disk images:
  • celestia-1.3.2-a1.dmg (celestia app only, no data files)
  • celestia-1.3.2-b1.dmg (celestia data files, no app)
Users would initially need to download and install both to run Celestia. However, to get an updated version of the application, they would only need to download one, e.g. celestia-1.3.2-a2.dmg (new app).
Do you see a problem with this approach?

- Hank[/list]

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Post #36by Harry » 17.10.2004, 18:41

I am curious: does Lua/CELX work?


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Post #37by HankR » 17.10.2004, 18:56


Unfortunately, Lua scripting is not yet implemented in the Mac OS X version of Celestia. It's at the top of my to-do list, but I don't know how soon I will get it done. I don't expect it to be difficult; it's just a matter of finding the time.

- Hank

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Post #38by alphap1us » 17.10.2004, 22:59

Hi Hank,
I think this is more trouble than it's worth. For one, everyone will want to get both images becasue they can use the much better cmod model files instead of the 3ds ones. I think the most important reason is that it creates confusion to have different parts for one release. It may save some bandwidth, but sourceforge has plenty to spare. I am sure we will see an upswing in "I downloaded the new mac verison, but it is completely broekn" a couple times on the forum, and it would be better to conserve tech support time vs. bandwidth.

Am I missing something?


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Post #39by alphap1us » 22.10.2004, 18:32

Are you still around? If you're just too busy to work on the Mac release right now, let me know.


Topic author

Post #40by HankR » 23.10.2004, 05:50


I was distracted this past week, but I now have a disk image (16.4MB) that I plan to upload to SourceForge this weekend (probably tomorrow). It will include both the application package and the resource folder. I will call it 'celestia-osx-1.3.2-1.dmg'. Hopefully you and other volunteers can test it some before we ask Chris to announce it on the Celestia website.

- Hank

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