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Re: Win32 Executable from SVN

Posted: 04.02.2009, 12:12
by cartrite
Kolano wrote:
cartrite wrote:I am going to try to maintain an ongoing executable of celestia.exe from the latest svn at my new web site .

Since you seem to have moved over to you may want to update the link in your opening post.
Good point. Just did edit my first post. Thanks. The "new web site" link is now dead. The site is no longer. My old site is still there but since my access gets blocked every now and then by my ISP, I stopped updating it.

Re: Win32 Executable from SVN

Posted: 10.02.2009, 10:50
by cartrite
SVN is now at 4645.
Chris claimed that some of the code in svn revision 4645 fixed the level11 / level12 bug that crashed Celestia if some files at that resolution were used. I tested it and it does work on my system. Anyone who downloaded this file and can verify this, well,........ a post here to confirm that it works would probably be appreciated.
It is almost a 1.6 release.

Re: Win32 Executable from SVN

Posted: 15.02.2009, 19:02
by CAP-Team

Is it me, or is your blog on CM empty? I can't find a downloadable executable from your blog?

Re: Win32 Executable from SVN

Posted: 15.02.2009, 20:05
by phoenix
judging from his last posting on the developers mailing-list i don't think there will be a new release any time soon :|

i may be able to provide a new update once i get my build-environment running.
right now i'm still fighting some weird link-errors ;)

fixed all my link errors, had to add quite a few new files to the engine.mak and celestia.mak
but in terms of code there is nothing new since the last 4645 release so no need to upload a new binary yet.

it also seems they are getting close to finish the 1.6 release, maybe we'll see a RC1 soon ;)

Re: Win32 Executable from SVN

Posted: 18.02.2009, 07:24
by Danial
CAP-Team wrote:Is it me, or is your blog on CM empty? I can't find a downloadable executable from your blog?
It's not just you, I get the same thing. The only link on that page is one to Cartrite's Blog and that page doesn't have any links either :(

Re: Win32 Executable from SVN

Posted: 18.02.2009, 10:42
by phoenix
I am not sure what cartrite put into his builds or what files where changed since 1.5.1 so I only included the executable into the file.

so here it is:
win32 binary r4654

Re: Win32 Executable from SVN

Posted: 26.02.2009, 17:21
by cartrite
I'm sorry about any inconvenience I may have caused with the svn executable. My computer crashed a few weeks ago. I put together an old computer and installed Windows XP on it. It is just a Pentium 2 with no graphics card so I won't be doing any building or running 3d applications including Celestia.

The crash was a complete system meltdown. I think it may have been a power surge. My UPS went down a few months ago and I was really taking a chance using an old surge protector that probably wasn't working correctly.

It started on a Thursday. We had 50 to 70 mile an hour winds sustained for almost 24 hours. That may have had something to do with it. Anyhow, the computer just shut off. When I rebooted, after a while it just shut off again. Throughout that day, it just went downhill. That night, I managed to get an email though to sourceforge but I messed up the blog at CM. I cut out the original blog and deleted the svn executable files because I new the computer would not last and it would be a long while before I could maintain them. I did this while I was in Windows but I always put the packages together and uploaded them with Linux. When I tried to reboot into Linux, I couldn't. I had a last executable I was going to upload and an explanation I was going to put in the blog but my computer never started again.

I had 1.2 TB of data that may have been lost. I'm pretty sure my 200 GB drive that had my Win32 files is history. I was able to see the partition tables and some of the files with this old computer I'm currently using but after a few hours the drive started making terrible noises and stopped working. The 500 GB SATA drive may still work but I'll need another system board that is SATA capable before I'll know. I also had a 500 GB usb notebook. Hopefully that was not affected but it has an ext3 format that Windows can't see on this older computer so that is still unknown too.

The system board that I used to use is shot as is the CPU. It will be a long time before I'll be able to get another one so I won't be able to use Celestia or any other programs I used to run until that time.

From time to time, I may have a comment or two here.
Until then,
Take Care

Re: Win32 Executable from SVN

Posted: 26.02.2009, 18:37
by ElChristou
cartrite wrote:...I'm sorry about any inconvenience...

Are you're kidding? Hope you will able to fix this mess... I've lose 2 HD not so long ago with LOTS of pretty important files, so I got this kind of trouble really fresh in my memory...
I also hope that this bad moment won't makes you disappear completely from the community... :|

Re: Win32 Executable from SVN

Posted: 27.02.2009, 12:05
by Chuft-Captain
I'm sorry to hear this Cartrite. :(
I really hope you had most of this 1.2 Tb backed-up. Hardware can always be replaced (and cheaper every year) but your time and investment in all that stuff is probably very hard to recover without backups.

Hope you're not out of action for too long. Your regular builds WILL be missed.


Re: Win32 Executable from SVN

Posted: 27.02.2009, 12:28
by selden
There are SATA to USB adapters. They don't provide access to the disk's SMART hardware status information, though :(

I've been using a "BlacX docking station" made by Thermaltake. ... 68&ID=1642

Re: Win32 Executable from SVN

Posted: 28.02.2009, 04:00
by cartrite
selden wrote:There are SATA to USB adapters. They don't provide access to the disk's SMART hardware status information, though :(

I've been using a "BlacX docking station" made by Thermaltake. ... 68&ID=1642
I was thinking about a SATA to USB adapter. But the whole SATA disk is in a Linux ext3 format so Windows still will not see it on this computer I got now. I can run Linux 9.2 live on this computer. This is what I used to glimpse my 200 gb IDE disk. Unfortunately that disk stopped working. I put the other 2 disks in storage until I get a new computer set up. I'm guessing this may be sometime in April. If there is anything left on them, I'll transfer the data to new disks.

Re: Win32 Executable from SVN

Posted: 03.03.2009, 21:51
by symaski62

^^ 40Go :mrgreen:

Re: Win32 Executable from SVN

Posted: 03.03.2009, 21:59
by Chuft-Captain
What are you trying to say here symaski62 ??
-- That you have a very slow Harddisk??? :wink:

Re: Win32 Executable from SVN

Posted: 05.03.2009, 15:24
by symaski62
Chuft-Captain wrote:What are you trying to say here symaski62 ??
-- That you have a very slow Harddisk??? :wink:


Re: Win32 Executable from SVN

Posted: 24.03.2009, 22:09
by cartrite
Since I'm unable to update svn executables at this time , I released this tread from sticky to normal. May it rest in peace.

Re: Win32 Executable from SVN

Posted: 28.04.2009, 14:07
by Dirl
Celestia SVN executables from Mr. Guillermo Abramson:

Re: Win32 Executable from SVN

Posted: 19.10.2009, 19:22
by abramson
Dirl wrote:Celestia SVN executables from Mr. Guillermo Abramson:

Due to a change of servers, my webpage has changed address. Find the binaries here: (updates every night).


Re: Win32 Executable from SVN

Posted: 20.10.2009, 12:05
by BobHegwood
Again, thanks very much for doing this my friend.
Much appreciated by the Brain-Dead :wink:

Re: Win32 Executable from SVN

Posted: 07.11.2009, 10:20
by Derek

Appreciate your SVN I seem to have a problem when viewing the orbits of the planets and asteroids.
1. Pluto appears as a planet not the dwarf as in 1.6.0
2. Pluto's orbit in svn 4880 is broken and in 4903 is a strange shape, Ive eliminated any extras causing problems.

Re: Win32 Executable from SVN

Posted: 07.11.2009, 12:46
by abramson
Derek wrote:2. Pluto's orbit in svn 4880 is broken and in 4903 is a strange shape, Ive eliminated any extras causing problems.
Hi. I just tried my build 4903 in place of a fresh installation of 1.6.0, and observe that Pluto-Charon orbit is indeed not closed. There is a gap ~120 degrees ahead of Pluto-Charon (see figure).

The same happens in 4898, 4890, 4881, 4870, 4863, 4855. And NOT in 4787 or earlier. I don't know why.

If Derek meant a gap when he says "broken", that's what I see. I don't see any other "strange shape". All svn versions with the problem behave exactly the same. I don't remember noticing this before.

Does anybody else see this in their own compiled versions? Is it a bug, or a glitch in my own compilation?

Svn 4880 (mentioned by Derek) is not among my builds.
