I am trying to translate Celestia (from english to greek).
I have managed to translate the menu by writting with these
commands to the .rc file :
#if !defined(AFX_RESOURCE_DLL) || defined(AFX_TARG_ELL)
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma code_page(1253)
#endif //_WIN32
However,while the program is running in the window appear
some parameters for instance speed that I want to
be dispayed in greek and not in english.
For this reason I have substituted speed
(using the advice from maxim)
(and other words which appear in english)
with variables like LNG_TEXT_CORE_SPEED
in the place of the word speed.
Then I have put in the textresource.h (which Maxim made )
the below for the word speed
#define LNG_TEXT_CORE_SPEED "?¤?±?‡?