georgiok asked, "How can I compile txfutil to get ttf2txf.exe works?"
You can use the command line compiler , like you did to compile celestia.exe .
You used makerelease.bat to compile celestia.exe , right?
If you open up makerelease.bat you can see what it does and you can
edit this to compile other files.
Here is what is in that file :
cd src
nmake /f winbuild.mak CFG=Release %1 > ../compile2.txt
cd ..
copy src\celestia\Release\celestia.exe .
See it uses winbuild.mak. Open that file and see what it does. You can edit the lines to do your special build :
cd celestia
nmake /nologo /f celestia.mak clean CFG=$(CFG)
cd ..
cd celestia
nmake /NOLOGO celestia.mak CFG=$(CFG)
cd ..
You see it calls another file called celestia.mak.
You need to make a custom file to replace that file, which has lines like
$(INTDIR)\avicapture.obj \
$(INTDIR)\celestiacore.obj \
$(INTDIR)\configfile.obj \
$(INTDIR)\destination.obj \
$(INTDIR)\eclipsefinder.obj \
To compile from the command line, you can edit files to replace the files
that compiled celestia.exe . I hope you read all the instructions by other people in this forum about the .zip file and the README file which says :
* OpenGL
* GLUT ... /glut.html
* Freetype 2.0
It is complicated and you need to link all the right files and libraries.
So try some experiments with editing makerelease.bat and the file
it calls, and the file that file calls.
Do you have OpenGL and GLUT and Freetype 2.0 ?
Your wish is my command line.