Good to be back after a long absence. Greetings to all.
I decided to try a compile of Celestia from the CVS, to see if I can help in the development. I followed Walton's and Paolo's indications (I already had most of the tools, since I have been using the C++ linker to link my Fortran programs...). Everything was smooth until near the end, when I obtained the following error from the RC, that stopped the compilation:
Code: Select all
'.\Release\cel_engine.lib' is up-to-date
cd ..
cd celestia
nmake /NOLOGO celestia.mak CFG=Release
rc /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG" /fo .\Release\celestia.res /i "res" .\res\celestia.rc
.\res\celestia.rc(226) : error RC2104 : undefined keyword or key name: DTS_RIGHTALIGN
Does anybody know what is causing it? Has anyone also seen it?
Any help will be appreciated.