Version 1.1 of the new stars database for Celestia

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Version 1.1 of the new stars database for Celestia

Post #1by Rigel » 07.09.2002, 12:29

To all Celestia users,

link to

to download the new release of the Celestia stars database.

I have made a lot of correction and there is now 786 373 stars in the database.

What’s new ?

• All stars of parallax values lesser than 0.0002” (d > 5000 pc) have been rejected, either from the Hipparcos or from the Tycho catalog, because their parallaxes are undoubtedly false.

• All Tycho stars with strange B-V (< -0.5 or > 2.0) color index values were rejected.

• There is no 8154 ly limit anymore :D

Hipparcos stars which have negative parallax values (4196 stars), and were therefore set at an arbitrary distance of about 8154 ly in the initial database have been either completely rejected when correction was not possible (332 stars), or set at a new computed distance (3864 stars).

I hope you will enjoy this work :wink:

Pascal 8)

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Post #2by chris » 07.09.2002, 18:30

Excellent work! It appears that the 'companion' to our Sun is gone . . .

I'm making some tweaks to Celestia to properly display the Tycho catalog numbers and accept them as input when selecting a location.


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Post #3by Rassilon » 07.09.2002, 19:34

I hope you will enjoy this work

Of course we will....Thanks again :mrgreen:
I'm trying to teach the cavemen how to play scrabble, its uphill work. The only word they know is Uhh and they dont know how to spell it!

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Post #4by selden » 07.09.2002, 20:07


Thanks! All your work on this is *greatly* appreciated.

A minor suggestion: you might use a less ambiguous date format on your Web page: spelling out the month or perhaps using the order year-month-day. Month/day/year is only used in the U.S, so when I see it on a European page it can be very confusing to me.

Thanks, again.

Matt McIrvin
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Chi2 Orionis

Post #5by Matt McIrvin » 08.09.2002, 01:12

Excellent catalog!

The rejection of very distant stars seems to have wiped Chi2 Orionis, a moderately significant naked-eye star (it's part of Orion's "cudgel").

I looked it up; it turns out that Chi2 Orionis is one of the most luminous stars known, and it really is incredibly distant.

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Post #6by billybob884 » 08.09.2002, 03:18

I love it, but it is a lot to download, especially on a 56k (but worth it!)

Mike M. :mrgreen:
Mike M.


Mad Boris
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Download problem

Post #7by Mad Boris » 08.09.2002, 11:16

I can't seem to download this file. When the time gets to "1 sec remaining", or "99% complete" or whatever, it just freezes. Any idea why this might be ?

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Post #8by brunetto_64 » 08.09.2002, 12:42

This new database is really grandiose, but I would like to ask some things:
there are 5 stars (dwarf stars) more neighbors to the sun of Proxima Centauri and there are:
HD 49676 to 3.105 ly
HD 36535 to 3.197 ly
HD 18964 to 3.555 ly
HD 171089 to 3.980 ly
HD 216512 to 4.002 ly.
It seems to have disappeared Rigel Kentaurus B and to his place there is HIP 33626113.



Post #9by Guest » 08.09.2002, 12:58

Thank you for your positive remarks :)

I will take them in account to generate a new stars database.

I think I will apply the procedure I applied to Hipparcos stars with negative parallax values also to those with very small and thus dubious parallax values and also examine the problem of those very near stars !

For the download problem of Mad Boris, I don't know what it is. Maybe it is due to the fact than a lot of people try to download the file at the same moment ?

Best regards


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