Great Idea For The Next Version Of Celestia

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Great Idea For The Next Version Of Celestia

Post #1by billybob884 » 14.08.2002, 18:38

I was thinking, for the next version of celestia that comes out, why not have a better way to organize the star systems. So I came up with a great idea. I drew it into a picture so it's easier to understand. Click here to see it

Let me know what you think! :D

Mike M.


A question...

Post #2by Billybob884 » 14.08.2002, 18:56

If the comets in 1.2.5 are going to have tails, wouldn't it look cool if they could have some sort of animated streaming tail rather than just a non-moving one?

Mike M.

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Post #3by jrobert » 14.08.2002, 20:01

That would probably be a good idea if you had a smaller database of star systems. Celestia has the Hypocros (i think thats how you spell it) catalog of just over 100,000 stars and about 1% of those (1,000) have orbiting companions. What is needed is a better way to reference the catalog but not to clutter up the Celestia menu doing it. Of course that's just my opinion, I could be wrong. :wink:
Last edited by jrobert on 14.08.2002, 23:20, edited 1 time in total.

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Post #4by Sum0 » 14.08.2002, 21:13

Looks like a cool idea... it'd be especially good for system builders like me to quickly travel between systems to test stuff...

As for the comets - slow down, it's taken ages to get any kind of comet tail! :D It'd look cool, but is it realistic? Anyone?
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Post #5by jrobert » 14.08.2002, 23:27

As for the comets - slow down, it's taken ages to get any kind of comet tail! It'd look cool, but is it realistic? Anyone?

As I understand it, comet tails are due out in version 1.2.5. As for realism, that depends on if the comet tail progressively disappears as it moves further away from the sun and also if the tail always points away from the sun. I'm sure Chris'll do a good job.


Post #6by Guest » 15.08.2002, 02:14

Back to the original Point of the topic, I don’t see a big problem with the current System browser other then you can’t scale the window and the star browser is separate. As for me I think that if simple features were added like planetary data within the window and the integration of the star browser into one cohesive list that you could do a hierarchal sort and do Boolean search with would be a vast improvement. Latter on you could add some flashy graphics to make it look “cool”

Finally as for the tail. Yes it does move, but the questions 2 fold. First, how powerful is the solar wind at that give distance (the gas would push the tail away from the star) and the second part is the debris, just how much should there be for you to see it? All and all it is mush simpler then you might think. Even if its not 100% accurate.



Post #7by Billybob884 » 15.08.2002, 02:38

Whell, it's just an idea. I thought it would make it simpler to go through star systems. Although it would probably take a while to make the list, i think it would be worth while.

Mike M.


Post #8by Billybob884 » 15.08.2002, 14:53

Also I posted this topic for people to express their ideas of what would be a good feature for celestia, not just to comment on the ones already posted :mrgreen:

Mike M.

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Post #9by Redfish » 16.08.2002, 19:24

About the comets' tails.
I think that at the current time most comets are too far away from the sun to show a tail.
But this will only occur if chris implemented it.
So if he's always showing a tail, we won't know the difference.

And a particle effect like that in the opening of star trek DS9 would be nice. Besides the tail doesn't have to change a lot. Cuz this large cloud of debris would not be changing very rapidly.

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Post #10by billybob884 » 17.08.2002, 00:07

True, but it still would look cool if it had a little but of motion.

Mike M. :mrgreen:

P.S. I just registered incase anyone is wondering why it says guest under the author column
Mike M.


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