can't log into cvs

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can't log into cvs

Post #1by kaycea » 22.07.2004, 22:25

Hi all,

Is anyone else out there having problems logging into cvs? I am using WinCVS with the following settings:

Code: Select all

Authentication: pserver
Path:               /cvsroot/celestia
Host address:
User name:     anonymous

Under login settings, I have "Force using the CVSROOT" checked.

This is the output:

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CVSROOT: (password authentication)
cvs -d login
Logging in to
cvs [login aborted]: connect to failed: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

***** CVS exited normally with code 1 *****

Any suggestions would be appreciated!

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Post #2by selden » 22.07.2004, 23:34

I use the command-line version of cvs that comes with Cygwin, the Linux environment for Windows.

I had no problems accessing the anonymous cvs server just now.
Here's the script that I use for getting updates. The only obvious difference is that I use .sf. instead of .sourceforge. I doubt that's the problem, though. More likely they were in the middle of rebooting the system when you tried to access it.

Code: Select all

#!/usr/bin/sh -x
cvs login
cvs -z 3 checkout celestia/$1

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Posts: 11
Joined: 13.07.2004
With us: 20 years 7 months

Post #3by kaycea » 29.07.2004, 18:09

Apparently, the missing link was going into WinCVS and setting up the proxy server for my LAN.

I can log in just fine now. Thanks for your help!

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