working gravity effects. (a download)

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Post #21by marc » 21.05.2002, 04:40

Vicware wrote:What the hec is a .rar file?

smaller than a zip file
ill change it to a self extracting file instead

Klaus Stock

Solar Sail

Post #22by Klaus Stock » 18.06.2002, 07:28

Hmmm, the Elite universe consists of 8 galaxies, which are of a flat rectangular type and where every sun has exactly 1 planet (with no moons). BTW, some source code for the Elite universe generator is available, ask me ( if you want it.

Oh, well, yes, I wanted to suggest the addition of solar wind (and not talk about Elite...). Plus the interaction of the solar wind and a solar sail spacecraft. I think this could be interesting...

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Solar Sail

Post #23by marc » 20.06.2002, 17:06

Klaus Stock wrote:Hmmm, the Elite universe consists of 8 galaxies, which are of a flat rectangular type and where every sun has exactly 1 planet (with no moons). BTW, some source code for the Elite universe generator is available, ask me ( if you want it.

Oh, well, yes, I wanted to suggest the addition of solar wind (and not talk about Elite...). Plus the interaction of the solar wind and a solar sail spacecraft. I think this could be interesting...

Frontier and First encounters is what im basing it on, which has One galaxy etc, but later it may be possible to add other galaxys to celestia.. Ive started a universe generator already. ... r=&start=0

Good idea on the solar wind. Do you know any of the maths for it? Im guessing it would be a reverse gravity like effect 1/(r^2) proportional. I could specify a sail area size for the ship.


Adding Galaxies

Post #24by mark02 » 20.06.2002, 23:48

It already is possible to add other galaxies to Celestia :) . Hello, I've been using the program for a while, since version 1.1.3, but this is my first ever post. Anyway, all you have to do is open the data folder, and open the file marked "galaxies.dat" with notepad or some other word document. There you'll see data for our galaxy, Andromeda, and others, and you can just copy that data (alter it a bit, such as making a new name for your galaxy, distance, etc.) below or in between other data for existing galaxies. That way, a custom-galaxy is created.

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Post #25by Kendrix » 21.06.2002, 07:39

Hi there...

Hey marc I just wanted to tell you that I have added the possibility to render the trajectory of the "gravited" observer...

It's quite cool to pass near Saturn and after stop the gravity look at the trajectory while turn around the planet !

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Post #26by marc » 24.06.2002, 21:13

Kendrix, that sounds cool.
I thought about plotting a future trajectory but I got stuck at the OpenGL stuff. Can you email the relavent source files so I can try it out.

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Ok !

Post #27by Kendrix » 24.06.2002, 21:15

No Problem but what's your email ???

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Post #28by marc » 24.06.2002, 21:24

that was quick,


Post #29by Guest » 29.06.2002, 16:07

I finally got around to downloading the gravity effects.... very nice, but they make my hi-res textures all blurred. Any way around this ?

(Mad Boris)

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Post #30by marc » 03.07.2002, 21:38

No idea boris, mabey its just 'cause its a different version of celestia.


Post #31by Guest » 04.07.2002, 12:48

I am using version 1.2.4 - what version is everyone else using ?

(Mad Boris)


Post #32by Guest » 04.07.2002, 12:52

I'm using version 1.2.4 - does that help ?

(Mad Boris)

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Post #33by marc » 04.07.2002, 20:44

The last gravity effects mod was based on 1.2.4 (i think). By hi res textures how hi-res do you mean? the patch overwrites the solarsys.ssc file so that may be it.
I've started from fresh celestia code for the next version. It will be based on what is in the CVS repository. I really butchered the code in the previous versions and may have broken something by accident.


Post #34by Guest » 05.07.2002, 11:49

Sorry about posting the same comment twice... I don't know why I did that.
By hi-res I mean a 4k Earth, Moon, and Mars. The Earth texture (I confess to not having thouroghly investigated the problem, currently this is the only one I've seen become altered) seems to become washed-out looking, that is, all the details become blurred, as though it has been resized so that it is not one of the standard sizes (I know this from having seen the effect when I first downloaded hi-res textures and didn't resize them properly).
Hope this helps for the next version.

(Mad Boris)

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Post #35by marc » 05.07.2002, 19:46

Thanks Boris ill check that before the next one come out.

Kendrix gave me the code to do this a while ago, ive only just got around to trying it out. cool huh?
It gives a nice perspective as to how fast saturn is moving. This is a 'been there' plot. Im thinking that with a few more cpu cycles we could plot a 'going there' trajectory, then watch it change as the thrusters are fired. ... ectory.jpg


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