Where find docs about .ssc and others

The place to discuss creating, porting and modifying Celestia's source code.
Topic author
Talion'h Kaärd
Posts: 5
Joined: 19.06.2002
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Location: Toulouse, France, Earth, Solar System, Milky Way

Where find docs about .ssc and others

Post #1by Talion'h Kaärd » 19.06.2002, 11:31

Hello forum.
Excuse me for my english, I come from France :?
All right, I think this question has been post so many time, but I try again :D .
Ok, first, Celestia is a absolutly fabulous for dreamers and/or those who want a visual acceptation of the Univers. Like me !
So, I try to make some planets or stars, but there is lot of to know, and my results are not so good (bad texturing, bad position, etc...).
Well I have looking for docs in this forum and in sites that was named in this forum, but there is no centralisation of informations (or I have not find this since today).

So, is there any site or program to explain the way Celestia works, some technic docs peurhaps, something about .ssc and it friends :D , and something about the graphic part (texture, modeling, etc ...)

I have understand the concept, but not the specification, where all the points are detailed.

Thank you for your answers.
Good travel :o

Posts: 65
Joined: 03.04.2002
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Location: Brighton, England

Post #2by Miserableman » 21.06.2002, 01:01

As far as I'm aware the .ssc files are custom built for celestia. If you want to make something new in them, copy something old and change the values :OD

Topic author
Talion'h Kaärd
Posts: 5
Joined: 19.06.2002
With us: 22 years 3 months
Location: Toulouse, France, Earth, Solar System, Milky Way

Post #3by Talion'h Kaärd » 21.06.2002, 09:44

:D Well ...
Have you see my request (Post with subject "mountain blablabla ...)
I do my pub :P

I would want some opinions about it !!!
For newbies like me, or confirmed like ... the others :D
Have a good day

:D OK, vous avez lu mon post ? celui sur "si la montagne ne va pas ? toi ...)
Je fais ma pub :P

Je voudrais quelques avis dessu
Pour des d?butants comme moi, ou des confirm?es... comme vous :D
Bonne journ?e
Good travel :o

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