more custom spaceships/crafts/station

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more custom spaceships/crafts/station

Post #1by Andy » 12.04.2002, 18:19

Can Celestia allow custom space crafts to be use?
And can I get any custom space craft any where?

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2001 - A Space Odyssey models

Post #2by UncleSpam » 29.04.2002, 16:15

Take a look at:

They have a good library of .3ds models from the movie 2001.



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2001 - A Space Odyssey models

Post #3by UncleSpam » 29.04.2002, 16:15

Take a look at:

They have a good library of .3ds models from the movie 2001.




Post #4by Guest » 06.05.2002, 09:53

Try the following link for Star Trek Starships/Space Stations
go to the meshes section.

I downloaded the DS9.3ds but I don't know what to type into the solarsys.ssc to make the station rotate the right way round.


Post #5by Guest » 06.05.2002, 10:07

Also go to
for star wars 3ds files.


Post #6by Guest » 06.05.2002, 18:57

Re : Star Wars objects from the above site : I can put in the meshs OK, but they just look white. How do I tell Celestia to use the textures that accompany them (for example, the Death Star comes with textures for several different sections) ?

Also is there anywhere I can get models for real spacecraft like the Voyager and Pioneer craft ?

(Mad Boris)

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Post #7by chris » 06.05.2002, 19:41

Textures for 3DS models need to be placed in the textures/medres directory. Is that where you have them?



Post #8by Guest » 06.05.2002, 20:26

Yup, I placed all the textures in the medres directory. I still just see a white, round, indented ball where there should be a nice grey deathstar. Do the texture(s) need to be a particular size, as with planets ? Do they require specific names - do I have to name its texture deathstar as well ?
Help, as always, is much appreciated.

(Mad Boris)

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Post #9by chris » 06.05.2002, 20:52

You shouldn't have to rename textures. Checking the sizes would be a good idea, however--make sure that they have power of two dimensions. If you give me the link to the model, I'll investigate this myself.



Post #10by Guest » 06.05.2002, 21:16

The link to the model is : ... craft.html
and then the link to the 2MB deathstar 1 file for 3DS. Haven't tried the others available yet. Thanks for looking into this !

(Mad Boris, who never bothers logging in because he's extremely lazy)

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P of 2...

Post #11by Vicware » 07.05.2002, 02:56

chris wrote:You shouldn't have to rename textures. Checking the sizes would be a good idea, however--make sure that they have power of two dimensions. If you give me the link to the model, I'll investigate this myself.


I also asked about this. I have the 2001 Space Wheel flying but with
no textures (they're in medres). This is the first time I heard that
textures for space craft also have to follow the power of 2 rule. I'll try



3ds textures

Post #12by Lostinspace » 08.05.2002, 01:06

textures don't show up on mine either. I tried resizing them, no effect.
One oddity is that the surfaces show the background, eg the top of my 'enterprise' is imprinted with the surface of mars as it moves on screen,or the sun as that passes. Unless it's some whacky camoflage sceme I wasn't aware of, I assume my TNT2 graphics card just can't handle it :(

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