Nice to have?

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Nice to have?

Post #1by neTear » 07.06.2009, 21:36

Hi celestians,

if you don't own red/cyan anaglyph glasses, I bet, you'll want them to have in future.
Not only for this small video capture preview ... a.ogg.html
but also for celestia itself, because I managed to modify celestia
for that.

Don't be bothered by the jitter within the preview, I'm still working on it.

Expect the source and details in a few days ;-)

so long


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Re: Nice to have?

Post #2by duds26 » 08.06.2009, 18:30

Please upload the video to youtube or vimeo or such kind of video site.

What programs (and version) have you used to capture the video (convert to ogg)?
Last edited by duds26 on 15.04.2018, 19:54, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Nice to have?

Post #3by neTear » 08.06.2009, 23:40

Please upload the video to youtube or vimeo or such kind of video site.
Not good enough for such demonstrations.

What programs (with program versions) have you used to capture the video (convert to ogg)?

Well, I used my own build (modified engine) of celestia (1.5.1 source tree) to capture it (celestia captures as ogg theora on Linux).
So the video has been captured by celestia itself (nothing has been converted).
You'd be able to create your own anaglyph videos/screenshots directly. :mrgreen:

I just need a hint where to put the code without using svn , I am a n00B in the matter of using phpBB :oops:


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Re: Nice to have?

Post #4by selden » 09.06.2009, 10:13


You can attach a zip file containing your patches when you make a post to the Forum. There's an "Upload attachment" section in the page just below where you type the text of your message.

However, there have been many source code changes in v1.6. It would be best if you could provide patches which work with Celestia v1.6 instead of v1.5.

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Re: Nice to have?

Post #5by neTear » 09.06.2009, 16:11

Hi selden,

sometimes I'm to silly or just nightblind...
I just checked out the svn trunk. After a quick look I'd say my modification for anaglyph rendering will work with 1.6, too.
I'll build and check that presently (next weekend) and provide it here for examination.

till then


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