Excellent Slideshow extras for Lua Edu Tools

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Excellent Slideshow extras for Lua Edu Tools

Post #1by darius » 22.03.2013, 16:38

Excellent Slideshow extras for Lua Edu Tools

(tried to contact jogad via PM but failed)

Just installed Slideshow and testing on slow PC.

How to develop and view more slideshow animations as demos ?
Could you provide web link for more demos ?

Trying to learn syntax of _slidecatalog.txt
and syntax of cell://Follow/Sol:Earth:Hubble ...
cell://SyncOrbit/Sol:Earth ..
cell://Freeflight/2008- ...

Disabled loading of textures, ssc files to keep Celestia light.

How to edit slidecatalog in notepad to generate a valid slideshow file ?

Is slideshow loop supported or can 1s update be changed to 0.5s or 0.1s update
to get slideshow animation ?

Trying to learn how to geolocate long/lat points in Celestia textures to work for Earth
or as slideshow overlay.

What is a location of Celestia bookmarks file ?

Jogad, please upload another slideshow demo2
supporting http:// as example

I have much more questions.
Let me congratulate you on success of your Slideshow app extras for Lua Edu Tools and Celestia.


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Re: Excellent Slideshow extras for Lua Edu Tools

Post #2by jogad » 22.03.2013, 22:37

darius wrote:Excellent Slideshow extras for Lua Edu Tools
Thank you!

darius wrote:(tried to contact jogad via PM but failed)
No, but be patient.
Anyway I think that PMs should be reserved for really personal messages.
If not, use preferably the general forum.

Woh! so many questions!

Some of them are related to the slideshow plug-in and other are not.
Let me answer briefly to the first ones:
Most of your questions are answered there. e.g. how to add and internet link.
Slideshow is a powerful tool but needs some implication and time to learn how to use it.

few advices:

Don't edit the slidecaltalog in notepad. Use a plain text editor able to manage UTF-8 if you need accentued or special characters.
But unless it is absolutely necessary don't edit the slidecatalog at all. It is more conveniently automatically build by the plug-in.

Text and picture frames as well as cel:URLs are handled directly by the program and work seamlessly.
For other objects as media files or internet links, the program relies on external programs installed (or not) on your computer.
As celestia monopolize almost all the ressources of the computer, the succes of the operation depends on the default programs and on the power of the computer.

darius wrote:How to develop and view more slideshow animations as demos ?
Could you provide web link for more demos ?

NO! You must develop you own demos.

I won't add anything at this plug-in.
One reason is that it works well for what it is designed for: diplaying rather elaborated views of Celestia but not designed to present animations at 24 images/sec.
So even if it is easy to change, the display delay will remain adjustable by step of 1s. Tip: you can set a lower value in the configuration file.

One other reason is that I wrote this pluging a long time ago, I have forgotten how it works in its very details and I don't want to spend weeks to do minor modifications.


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Re: Excellent Slideshow extras for Lua Edu Tools

Post #3by darius » 23.03.2013, 19:33

Thanks jogad for your kind comments.

I am trying to learn syntax of Slideshow txt file and have no idea what "symbol" is used to separate individual slides
or to create a new slide.

Downloaded download/file.php?id=4047
downloaded updated slideshow.zip
to update slideshow.lua file

Trying to learn slideshow edit features described in

Should I edit .db file coming with slideshow to get slides to work ?

to All

Please upload slideshow demo supporting working html web link

Let me know how to learn syntax of slideshow.txt for edit with notepad++


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Re: Excellent Slideshow extras for Lua Edu Tools

Post #4by jogad » 24.03.2013, 00:10


Yes! I begin to understand your problem! :roll:

darius wrote:Downloaded download/file.php?id=4047
downloaded updated slideshow.zip
to update slideshow.lua file
Don't load anything from the forum for this addon.
Download and install the complete updated add-on which is avaible on the Motherlode here:
http://www.celestiamotherlode.net/catal ... ities.html
(at the end of the Lua Edu Tools section)

darius wrote:Trying to learn slideshow edit features described in
This is not the manual but only the presentation of the tool.

The actual manual is part of the addon al a PDF file.
It comes in 3 languages: English, French and Dutch.
At installation, these PDF files are in the main slideshow directory.
The English version of the manual is 26 pages long, but you must absolutely read (and re-read) it to be able to use slideshow efficiently.
It is an elaborate plug-in and you cannot guess all its features if you don't read the manual.
Almost all your questions are answered in the manual.

About slides with a html link:
As I told you in my last post, sometimes it may fail because of the configuration of your computer.
Generally it works (after a delay which is more or less noticeable depending of your configuration)
Only pictures, text and cel:URL are guaranted to works without delay on every computer.

darius wrote:Should I edit .db file coming with slideshow to get slides to work ?
There is no .db file at all coming with slideshow :blue:

darius wrote:Please upload slideshow demo supporting working html web link
Ok, j'ai piti?... :roll:
The minimal working slidecatalog with a working web link has only one line which is the link itself :wink:
For example is the _slidecatalog.txt is made of this sole line:
you are taken to the web page of wikipedia explaining what is HTML as soon as you lauch the corresponding slideshow.

darius wrote:Let me know how to learn syntax of slideshow.txt for edit with notepad++
First, learn how to make a slideshow reading the manual (I know! not a very new answer!)
All that you have to know to make a slideshow is there.
Building a slideshow is easy and the only editing you have to do is to add or remove elements in a very simple syntax.
Then you apply a formatting to these elements interactively in the plug-in.
It is the plug-in that adds a list of parameters to your elements and you never have to worry about that. Don't try to modify these parameters yourself!


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Re: Excellent Slideshow extras for Lua Edu Tools

Post #5by darius » 25.03.2013, 17:06

First, learn how to make a slideshow reading the manual (I know! not a very new answer!)

I did it > great manual in pdf format.

Tried to test opening cel file in _slideshow.txt but get error on file opening and Celestia closes, trying to send error to Microsoft.

My test cel file
print ("test")
wait 4s
or alike
Could you include basic slide with cel file to be run ?
How cel or celx file is processed from _slideshow.txt
step by step and wait is real wait ?

It looks to be a nice tool and way to control how celestia cel:// links
are played in response to slides played .

Still trying to learn syntax of
cell:// links
Trying to learn syntax of _slidecatalog.txt
and syntax of cell://Follow/Sol:Earth:Hubble ...
cell://SyncOrbit/Sol:Earth ..
cell://Freeflight/2008- ...

Win XP created me > 40 Thumbs.db , was afraid of viruses.

Windows thumbnail cache - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Re: Excellent Slideshow extras for Lua Edu Tools

Post #6by jogad » 25.03.2013, 22:22

darius wrote:Tried to test opening cel file in _slideshow.txt but get error on file opening and Celestia closes, trying to send error to Microsoft.
Could you include basic slide with cel file to be run ?
Attached to this post, I give you a very simple slideshow (with only 3 basic slides) and a very short celx script which is launched by the second slide.

Unzip it in the extras/slideshow directory.
This creates a new "saturntrip" directory in the extras/slideshow directory. It is thus a new slideshow with 2 files :
- the _slidecatalog.txt
- the gosaturn.celx file which is the script to launch.
(It is exactly the same with a .cel script but I know the celx syntax better.)

darius wrote:How cel or celx file is processed from _slideshow.txt
step by step and wait is real wait ?
The Slideshow plug-in just launches the script when the corresponding slide is displayed. Then the script runs independently of the slideshow. This gives you the choice to display other slides while the script is running or to wait the end of the script to display the next slide.
As Celestia lets you run only one script at time, if you lanch another script before the end of the previous one, it is stopped and the second script is performed.

darius wrote:Still trying to learn syntax of
cell:// links
There is absolutely no need to know the ceI:// syntax to use them in the Slideshow plug-in.
They are automatically build as necessary.

But just for information you have the complete signification of each part of a ceI:// here.
http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Celestia/C ... tia#seturl


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Re: Excellent Slideshow extras for Lua Edu Tools

Post #7by darius » 26.03.2013, 16:37

Thanks for your kind assistance.

Believe or not but I am trying to use Celestia to build the following geolocated animation of Sun Space Wind


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