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New base of locations of dwarf planets

Posted: 07.11.2017, 03:32
by Croc
The number of planetary types of locations is 58, for more details see

Pluto - 13 types of locations

Number of locations on Pluto (as of 01.08. 2017) - 66. (downloads -57)
Number of locations on Pluto (as of 01.11. 2018) - 16 + 51 (inofficially).


Charon - 6 types of locations

Number of locations on Charon (as of 01.08. 2017) - 26.
Number of locations on Charon (as of 01.11. 2018) - 12 + 18 (inofficially).


Ceres - 10 types of locations

Number of locations on Ceres (as of 01.08. 2017) - 113.
Number of locations on Ceres (as of 31.10. 2018) - 138.


1. Delete the old base of Pluto locations, Charon locations, Ceres locations.
2. Copy and unzip the file
3. move unpacked folders Pluto, Charon, Ceres in folder ..\extras\Locs\
4. Restart Celestia

Posted: 01.11.2018, 09:22
by Croc
Notice: Updated database of locations of dwarf planets on 11/01/2018.