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Model of Pluto

Posted: 21.11.2018, 20:01
by Alejandro
Hi everyone!
I found this pluto texture that may be really cool if someone can convert it from .ply to .cmod format (for Celestia, of course!).
Here is the source:

If there is someone able to convert and share this pluto model, it will be really nice.
There are also another interesting 3D planetary objects such us Io, Iapetus, Tehtys in great detail at the same page that we cannot loose to know.

I will continue searching for new planetary model to ask you to to convert (because I don´t know how to do it!). But ask me for textures; that is my strength!

Thanks a lot to all!

Posted: 21.11.2018, 20:08
by CM1215
This model has already been converted in Celestia Origin...The model is available in the downloadable archive for the project.

As for the others, I have worked with the Io model (it has a couple problems), and the models of Tethys and Iapetus are in Celestia Origin as well. And I've worked with the model of the Moon, and achieved a good result (I could put it up for download if it is asked of me).

Posted: 21.11.2018, 22:31
by SpaceFanatic64
CM1215, please put up the download for the model of the Moon! Thanks.

Posted: 22.11.2018, 02:58
by CM1215
SpaceFanatic64 wrote:CM1215, please put up the download for the model of the Moon! Thanks.
Ok then, I can do that.

Here is the 256k poly model of the Moon from the 3D Asteroid Catalogue, UV mapped and given a 22k texture and 28k normal map. There is only VERY MINOR offset in some regions, but nothing too noticeable.

Normal map is @John Van Vliet's VT, with the 32k level5 stitched together in GIMP to make a single file, then downscaled to 28k

Because of the large size of the textures, Celestia 1.7.0 is required, as 1.6.1 is incompatible with single textures above 16k (as far as I know).

Here is the download link of the model in a fully prepared addon, including the texture and normal map (WARNING: 507 Mb .zip file!!!!):

NOTE: The .ssc file in the addon REPLACES the moon, with the orbital parameters the same as those in default Celestia 1.6.1. If these are not the orbital parameters you want, then you can change them in this file.

Some screenshots:


Earth & Moon.PNG

Moon & LRO.PNG

Posted: 22.11.2018, 04:57
by SpaceFanatic64
Well, to make it compatible with Celestia 1.6.1 I'm going to downscale it to 8k resolution.

Putting up Pluto model

Posted: 22.11.2018, 12:57
by Alejandro
CM1215 wrote:This model has already been converted in Celestia Origin...The model is available in the downloadable archive for the project.

As for the others, I have worked with the Io model (it has a couple problems), and the models of Tethys and Iapetus are in Celestia Origin as well. And I've worked with the model of the Moon, and achieved a good result (I could put it up for download if it is asked of me).

Thank you for the data about Celestia Origin! However, I found really difficult to download the models because links seems to be difficult to download using torrent (we are not all programmers!). That´s why there may be another message similar to mine asking for the downloadable Pluto model link!.

Moreover, and as a way to contribute and encourage I share to you the textures of the bodies which 3d models I would be glad we can all have; they are beautiful and looks nice at Celestia:


Posted: 22.11.2018, 13:43
by SpaceFanatic64
Alejandro, Celestia Origin is actually also available in non-torrent form as a zip file. WARNING: The file is 3 GB, so it might take a while to download.

Posted: 22.11.2018, 16:09
by pirogronian
Celestia Origin is actually also available in non-torrent form as a zip file. WARNING: The file is 3 GB, so it might take a while to download.

Actually, why not to split it into subpackages?

Posted: 22.11.2018, 17:42
by Art Blos
pirogronian wrote:Actually, why not to split it into subpackages?
Celestia Origin is distributed as a single archive. This is the concept of the project, which I am not going to change.
I give the official 7z archive to the user Janus, and he already in turn makes various variations (including zip archive and multi-volume archives).

PS How much time I spend on this forum, I am infuriated by the attitude of people towards torrents so much. :fie:

Posted: 22.11.2018, 18:11
by SpaceFanatic64
How much time I spend on this forum, I am infuriated by the attitude of people towards torrents so much.
Probably because torrents have a bad reputation for having illegally ripped movies, games, etc..

Posted: 23.11.2018, 18:14
by Alejandro
pirogronian wrote:
Celestia Origin is actually also available in non-torrent form as a zip file. WARNING: The file is 3 GB, so it might take a while to download.

Actually, why not to split it into subpackages?

Is it possible to generate a unique .zip file so we can download it directly? Thank you!

Added after 1 minute 11 seconds:
pirogronian wrote:
Celestia Origin is actually also available in non-torrent form as a zip file. WARNING: The file is 3 GB, so it might take a while to download.

Actually, why not to split it into subpackages?

Is it possible to generate a unique .zip file so we can download it directly? Thank you!

Added after 5 seconds:
pirogronian wrote:
Celestia Origin is actually also available in non-torrent form as a zip file. WARNING: The file is 3 GB, so it might take a while to download.

Actually, why not to split it into subpackages?

Is it possible to generate a unique .zip file so we can download it directly? It is difficult to download from torrent and that! Thank you!