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Posted: 12.09.2002, 21:53
by 16 of 18
i dunno if this is a bug or not but sometimes when i start up celestia instead of the letters and numbers that you get telling you the information on the selected object all i get is blocks :?:

Posted: 12.09.2002, 22:31
by selden
I suspect that in order to even start looking for a possible code problem, Chris would need more details.

1) what is your system configuration: O/S type and version, CPU type, speed and memory size, graphics hardawre and memory, graphics drivers version, which version of Celestia, fresh copy or lots of addons?

2) what is different about the "sometimes". e.g. What program did you run just before? Did you just reboot? Did you just login?

3) Whatever other details might be different about what might have been going on when you saw blocks vs no blocks. E.g. someone playing with X font services.

Posted: 13.09.2002, 10:45
by 16 of 18
ok, pc specs(lets see if i can find 'em :D )

    win xp
    Packard bell i design
    1.6 ghz
    256 mb ram
    about 20 gb hard disk space left
    S3 graphics pro savage
    amd athalon xp 1900+

and my version of celestia is a prerealease version but i'v had the problem in version 1.2.4

i haven't got that many addons, only a new solor system which only has one planets, i have about 5 new satalites(sputnik, voyager 1 & 2, friendship 7, and gemini) and the galaxy database posted a while back

i usually have aol running in the background so i can stay online, other than that i don't have any proggie's running and i haven't rebooted

i'v got a pic of the blocks, ... %26.view=l

sorry about the long url :oops: