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Eclipse shadow disappears in Open GL 2.0

Posted: 31.03.2006, 12:46
by danielj
I??m not at home,so I will post the images later.But the eclipse shadow DISAPEARED under render path Open GL 2.0 in Celestia 1.4.1 final.More than that:the shadow is more sharper under Basic render path.I search for the eclipse of March 29,2006.The shadow was over Africa.I cycle between the render paths,and it became less visible under other render paths,except Multitexture and mostly disappeared under the Open GL 2.0.
Does anyone have an idea what happened?
This effect is the same,independent of the Earth??s texture...

Posted: 31.03.2006, 14:19
by selden
It works fine for me.

The shadow is darker and smaller in the other Render paths than it is in the OpenGL2 path.

Maybe you need to adjust the brightness and contrast of your monitor.