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1.2.5 Pre bug report

Posted: 27.08.2002, 23:44
by Darkmiss
1.2.5 pre, bug report for you Chris

1: strange blue cylinder shape lines with some asteroids
(eg goto Ikeya zhang to view)

2: Not text on menus showing in full screen mode
(1024 x 768 x 32)

3: clouds dont move independantly of the surface of any planet
(spead up time to see that clouds dont move)

4: slight performance drop
(few more jerky frame rates than before, but only slight)

didnt get any of these problems with 1.2.4

Intel P4 1.5ghz
512meg Rambus Ram
Geforce 2 GTS pro 64meg ddr ram (with latest Nvidia Drivers 30.82)
Running Windows XP Pro


Posted: 28.08.2002, 00:49
by Rassilon
Yeah im noticing that too...clouds arent moving at all...

and yes the menu on fullscreen has no labels...

Intel P4
Win98 SE
GF 4 Ti 4400

1.2.5 Pre bug report

Posted: 28.08.2002, 03:02
by chris
Darkmiss wrote:1.2.5 pre, bug report for you Chris

1: strange blue cylinder shape lines with some asteroids
(eg goto Ikeya zhang to view)
That's the wacky comet stuff . . . I'm currently debugging it and I forgot to turn off wireframe before making the prerelease. Anyhow, just pretend it isn't there for now :>

2: Not text on menus showing in full screen mode
(1024 x 768 x 32)
Seems to be a problem with the owner draw menus . . . will investigate.

3: clouds dont move independantly of the surface of any planet
(spead up time to see that clouds dont move)
Oops . . . looks like that happened when I fixed Rassilon's cloud + rings bug. I'll fix it. Btw, clouds will still move with vertex shaders disabled.

4: slight performance drop
(few more jerky frame rates than before, but only slight)

That's possible, but I haven't seen it . . . is there any particular planet or object where this is especially noticeable?


Posted: 28.08.2002, 04:35
by Azagoth
Not much of a Bug.

I can't choose 1024x768x32, I couldn't do this in 1.2.4 Celestia aswell. I know I can use that resolution as I fly Combat Flight Sim2 in the exact same res. along with all my games. All the other resolutions show up as being able to use 32bit colour depth, it's just 1024x768. I can use it in 16bit though.

Also what are the blue "vector" lines and circles near Comets?? Is this just 'cause it's a pre-release??

Posted: 28.08.2002, 12:18
by Darkmiss
No Chris the performance drop just seamed in genral
after installing I copied over all my updated textures and extra files
( Apollo 11, whata great add-on )

and I Copied over the 1.2.4 exe too so i could try both

and 1.2.5 just seamed to give me a few slight jerky frame rates
(only slight but it was noticeable)

might me to do with the clouds not moving bug

Posted: 28.08.2002, 12:20
by Darkmiss
If you make any more changes and want some more feed back
just post the new EXE and we will try out any new versions


1.2.5 RC1 alpha?

Posted: 28.08.2002, 13:22
by Axel

I don't know if it would be possible, but I'd like to test the new alpha or beta...


Thanks in Advance, Axel :wink:

Posted: 28.08.2002, 13:56
by billybob884
Darkmiss wrote:and 1.2.5 just seamed to give me a few slight jerky frame rates
(only slight but it was noticeable)

I dont seem to have that problem at all with it slowing down. The only noticible changes are the file, navigation, time, ect. menus, the comet tails, and the grid changing colors.

Mike M. :mrgreen:

1.2.5 RC1 alpha?

Posted: 28.08.2002, 15:26
by Rassilon
Axel wrote:Hi,

I don't know if it would be possible, but I'd like to test the new alpha or beta...


Thanks in Advance, Axel :wink:

We already are...I would gather the releases chris makes public are simply beta since this project is far from complete...


Posted: 28.08.2002, 23:49
by billybob884
I've noticed aother bug. in teh favorites, insted of not going to the item, now it wont even select it.

Mike M. :mrgreen:

1.2.5 RC1 alpha?

Posted: 29.08.2002, 01:16
by chris
Axel wrote:Hi,

I don't know if it would be possible, but I'd like to test the new alpha or beta...


Thanks in Advance, Axel :wink:

Just grab it from Expect a number of prerelease versions over the next week as I fix bugs, add a few more features, and get everything in shape for a final 1.2.5 version.


another bug

Posted: 29.08.2002, 01:58
by billybob884
Hey, I noticed another bug in celestia. Everytime I start a new session, it wont let me turn on clouds untill I turn on the pixel shading (it will work fine after that even if I turn it off).

Mike M. :mrgreen:

No Menu labels...

Posted: 29.08.2002, 02:30
by Vicware
I also don't have any labels or menu stucture (just a big gray
bar) when I'm at 1280X1024X32 full screen.

Chris, please let us know when that is fixed - kind of a bummer.

Thanks - keep up the good work.


Posted: 31.08.2002, 20:21
by billybob884
Hi Chris, this isnt really a bug, but when ou fix the comets, could you make the tail follow the orbit, instead of just making it float off into space. Just a suggestion!

Mike M. :mrgreen:

Posted: 31.08.2002, 21:31
by Sum0
Isn't the way it is more scientifically accurate? But perhaps you're right - I think most comets actually have two tails - one pushed by the solar wind away from the sun and another trailing behind as it moves through space. So more work for Chris, perhaps... :D

Posted: 31.08.2002, 22:04
by Rassilon
Also chris there is something wierd about the haze setting...The higher the setting now the more it contrasts on the land the closer to the surface you are...At a haze setting of 0.85 using the color of blue...this will make the land color the same as the ocean color...Not sure if this is a bug or not...just thought I would point that out...

Posted: 01.09.2002, 02:39
by Rassilon
I think this was mentioned but it seems the textures get jittery the closer you get to the surface....clouds and surface both vibrate slightly which I also didnt notice before...

Also on the bump I able to use a seperate jpg file along with a png spectural or do I have to compile a dxt file to enable specs with bumps? I tried BumpMap as a jpg and it didnt seem to do anything...Someone mentioned thier clouds went black...mine didnt in this case...

Posted: 01.09.2002, 03:20
by chris
I think that I've fixed most of the reported texture problems . . . Black clouds are fixed. Unmoving clouds are fixed (fixed clouds fixed? :)) I haven't seen the jittery texture problem, but I'll go look a for it now. I'll have a new prerelease soon . . . Christophe (Rigel) sent me the KDE changes . . . As soon as I've integrated these, I'll make a UNIX prerelease available too. So much to do!


Posted: 01.09.2002, 04:19
by Rassilon
No worries there will always be more to fix hehe...Cheers chris!

Posted: 01.09.2002, 05:08
by Rassilon
Heres something else I found chris...

The eclipse shadows are flickering with these wierd patterns...The planet rendered uses clouds and a spectural png file...Eclipses on plain no atmosphere planets do not do this...