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Right click on Moon --> Info: Goes to wrong URL

Posted: 26.12.2005, 19:19
by stuporglue
Celestia 1.4.0

Right clicking on the moon and choosing "Info" brings me to which gets a 404. The correct address on is

Posted: 26.12.2005, 22:34
by suwalski
Thanks for bringing that forth. It is noted and will be fixed in 1.4.1.

Posted: 27.12.2005, 03:16
by symaski62
suwalski wrote:Thanks for bringing that forth. It is noted and will be fixed in 1.4.1.

^^ CVS celestia :wink:

Posted: 27.12.2005, 22:08
by stuporglue
With a bit more investigaion, it appears that there are other bodies that also have the wrong URL, such as Adrastea (2nd moon of Jupiter) and the ISS. Does Celestia just look up<BODY NAME>.html for any info click in our solar system?

I noticed that stars outside our solar system get looked up on