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help with cel://url links

Posted: 03.11.2005, 02:43
by jworld2
I am using ms word for windows and the text says to click on a cel://url hyperlink. except the hyperlink is only text that i can read and not click on! how do i get to the spot in celestia that the hyperlink is supposed to take me to?

Posted: 03.11.2005, 10:50
by selden
Which version of Word?
What document are you looking at?

If you're using Word to read the Celestia User's Guide, then the URL should be a hyperlink, not just a text string.

But you still should be able to do a cut and paste of the text string. Paste it into the URL field of your favorite Web browser. Then type a "return" or click on the Go button.

Posted: 03.11.2005, 14:08
by jworld2
i think im using version 6. im looking at the users guide. it says
{ HYPERLINK "cel://Follow/Sol:Earth/2003-03-22T19:46:44.38?x=7IF20Aaeee6tDA&y=z69ljFGGIg&z=3QwPF6eMO3k&ow=-0.162229&ox=-0.011347&oy=0.977646&oz=0.133271&select=Sol:Earth&fov=45.000000&ts=1.000000&rf=57239&lm=0" } but when i copy and paste, it just says "here"

Posted: 03.11.2005, 21:25
by selden
What browser are you using?

When you installed Celestia one of the options was to associate URLs.
Did you make sure that box was checked?

Posted: 03.11.2005, 23:24
by jworld2
browser- internet explorer 6.
yes i checked the box that says to associate the links with celestia

Posted: 04.11.2005, 08:38
by steffens
Is the text shown like a hyperlink (with underline, perhaps in blue...)?
If I remember correctly, you may have to hold down CTRL key while clicking in Word to use hyperlinks.


Posted: 04.11.2005, 19:34
by jworld2
no the text is regular black

Posted: 04.11.2005, 20:16
by selden
Unfortunately, I suspect that Word v6 is simply too old to know what to do with Web links. You might consider installing WordViewer, a free download from Microsoft. Read the documenation carefully before you do so, however. I have a vague recollection that it might cause problems when installed on a system that already has Word installed.

At any rate, you should be able to cut and paste the text that starts with Cel:// (just after the opening double quote) and ends just before the last closing double quote. Paste that into IE's Address field.

Posted: 11.11.2005, 10:10
by brokfn

I actually forgot to check the box that associates Celestia with cel urls when installing Celestia.
Can I do that afterwards ?


Posted: 11.11.2005, 12:08
by selden
So long as you haven't modified any of the files provided with Celestia, you can just reinstall it. If you have modified some, then copy them somewhere else if you care about their contents.

If you've only added things to Celestia, then reinstalling is OK. It'll only overwrite its own files, not delete the ones you've added.