I am in communication with Chris...(which usually takes its time
) . We have to negotiate the concrete future procedure, before FT1.1 may be integrated into the main branch as well as the possibility of other options.
1.4.0pre7 as I have seen it so far has NOTHING new relative to what we started with
BEFORE FT1, except a few corrections by Grant in data files. The galaxies are not quite as pink anymore.
At this point, there is NO element of FT1.x included in 1.4.0pre7. Besides the lacking high efficiency octree culling for DSO's, this means that is uses a badly outdated deepsky.dsc file with only 942 entries instead of 10600 in FT1.1, and many galaxy distances being largely uncertain. There are plenty of bugs in the pre7 galaxy code which leads to incorrect orientations and wrong size scales.
I compared the performance yesterday by using the FT1.1 deepsky.dsc file with 10600 galaxies in pre7:
Comparing at exactly the same conditions (like size etc) I get in Windows:
Code: Select all
20 fps in 1.4.0pre7
100 fps in FT1.1
This can be rephrased by saying that that due to the new, optimized DSO octree structure in FT1.1, we can operate at exactly the same performance rate with FT1.1 and /10600 galaxies/ that you get in 1.4.0pre7 with only /942 galaxies/...did you ever inspect the famous Stephan's quintet with the <1000 "castrated" deepsky file? Only 1 of 5 is displayed...None of the most impressive galaxy clusters can be seen etc.
In addition we have a sophisticated color rendering and many other features like relative brightness fidelity, multiple name display and searching, fast picking, non-overlapping labels like with location labels etc.
Well after all, Toti and myself collaborated intensively for > 6 months before FT1.1 was released.
All of the 1.4.0pre7 features are also part of FT1.1, like Dr. Joe's orbit patches etc.
The best idea is just to try things out yourself (provided Chris ever releases 1.4.0pre7...)
Bye Fridger