Hello Axel, very many thanks for your excellent explanation and thank you for the time you put into it.
Yes, I see it all now ! Thank you !
I was previously thinking that the averaging would be going on only in the northern rectangle(Mercator) region for the north pole
and similarly, averaging from the south rectangle region to go into the south pole only
Thus _my_mistake_ was not to think of the whole map being wraped round top - to- bottom, as well as east-to-west.
> almost impossible to get a decent cratered moon to look perfect around there <
Yes. I had played with a construct in which this agrevating spot became the central peak in a classic crater (it made quite a nice mountain with a bit of radial pixelation) and where the crater wall was formed by a few very long (east to west mercator) rows of blured pixels, but always it looked too artificial
I could hear other Celestials flying round my Triton saying - " ha ha, I know who's been here and it was not Kermit " !
I had found a Voyager (partial)Triton medium/highres - on a nasa site - and thought it would be a good exersize.
http://maps.jpl.nasa.gov/neptune.html )
I perhaps should not have typed about the radial striations, because although that was _why_ I had got involved in smoothing the poles, I was in fact getting on quite well with them by bluring and stretching the shading side to side over several pixels.
Bluring wider horizontally (over more pixels) the closer that strip of pixels was to the pole (top edge) With the polar few strips being, finally, all the same colour.
My problem arose when I tried to do the same thing at the other pole. If I used a copy of what I had done in the 'north' then all was OK.
But because the 'south' regions near their pole were much darker than those in the 'north' the copy pole was much too light and did not match well.
So, I just stretched and blured the darker regions into their own pole (getting a bit lighter as I went ) but then found that a ghost of this darker stuff arrived in the _north_ the closer I was getting to the _south_ pole.
Wierd, wormhole perhaps,
I thought.
Best wishes,