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Comets in Celestia 1.3.2 in planetary orbit

Posted: 11.10.2004, 08:22
by Medusa

I already saw the discussion about comet's tail "cutoff" and would like to drop in here another strange observation:

If the comet is in orbit around a planet, the tail points away from the PLANET not the sun. :(
(found it when I worked on the simple SL9 .ssc I included in my Impactors add-on)

Am I right that there is no control of the overall comet's tail size/length?

Belongs not really to this topic, but if I try to simulate a faint coma by an extended "Atmosphere", Celestia crashes if the atmosphere exceeds 4 body radii and I go close to it (possibly this is due to my poor graphics, see below).

Some pathologics about what I run:
- Celestia 1.3.2 built from .tar.gz source (option --with-kde)
- Debian Linux 3.1 / KDE 3.2.3
- PIII-650, 128 MB RAM
- ATI Rage Mobility P/M, 4 MB VRAM (yes, I know... :oops:)
