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HD 156274 -- Wrong Spectral Type

Posted: 09.10.2004, 21:25
by Dollan
Hi folks...

Working on my latest add-on, which orbits the star 41 Arae A, otherwise known as Gliese 666, or HD 156274 as it is identified in Celestia 1.3.2

The problem is, it is a G8 V star (according to and the ISDB), but is shown as being an M0 V.

How do I change it without duplicating the star, or arbitrarily creating a new one?



... Oh, while I'm at it: Can I change its name to 41 Arae and add its M0 V companion star at the same time?

Posted: 09.10.2004, 22:28
by selden

The replacement of stars which are defined in the binary database file stars.dat isn't implemented in Celestia v1.3.1 or v1.3.2.


You can edit starnames.dat (which is a text file) to change and/or add names, though.

There is reason to hope that the next major release of Celestia will allow stars to be renamed and replaced by using STC catalog files.

If you were to invest in the software development tools needed to build Celestia on your system from the CVS sourcecode archive on SourceForge, then you could try out the preliminary implementation of those features now. I suspect the details will change before the next release is finalized, though.

Posted: 10.10.2004, 02:17
by Dollan
Hmm... well, I think I'll probably make a new star relatively close to Gliese 666, and just assume that the listed M0 V is actually the companion.
