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Demo locks up computer

Posted: 01.10.2004, 12:37
Ibook G4 running 10.3.5, and latest Celestia locks up whenever Demo run starts, Showns earth but locks up on way to moon.

Posted: 01.10.2004, 12:58
by selden
That means that bumpmap/vertex shader support is broken in Apple's OpenGL drivers.

Again. :(

(Celestia does not include a bumpmap for the Earth, but does have one for the Moon.)

You may be able to workaround the problem by disabling Celestia's use of vertex programs:

Edit the file celestia.cfg and remove the # that's at the beginning of the line

# IgnoreGLExtensions [ "GL_ARB_vertex_program" ]

Does this work for you?

You also should report the problem to Apple and try to get patched OpenGL drivers.

Bug in Mac OSX demo

Posted: 04.10.2004, 02:06
by Dave Mac ^.^
you posted:
Edit the file celestia.cfg and remove the # that's at the beginning of the line

# IgnoreGLExtensions [ "GL_ARB_vertex_program" ]

Does this work for you?

Well I had the same trouble, the program demo would lock on the way to the moon, and seem to lock whenever a number of view changes were asked for.

So just wanted to let you know your fix seems to have worked like a charm!


Dave Mac ^.^

demo is fixed

Posted: 08.10.2004, 04:32
by soundwatts
thanks this fixed the problem