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Possible CVS .ssc problem

Posted: 02.09.2004, 11:49
by ben_o
It appears that an extrasolar planet is paying a visit to Sol System.
cel://Follow/Sol:Earth/2004-09-02T11:17 ... 463&lm=274
for a view of 'b' a planet closer in than mercury.

Distance 2.1263au
Radius 98,000km
Day length: 3.470 days
Temp 1108K

It looks like it is using the Gas-giant like texture. It also appears on the Celestial Browser.

(Linux, Fedora 2, KDE 3.2, PIII, 256 Mb)

PS I can email a snapshot to whoever needs one.

Posted: 02.09.2004, 12:04
by symaski62

Posted: 02.09.2004, 12:29
by granthutchison
It's not a problem with the ssc, which is working fine in 1.3.2.
Pat recently made some changes to the Linux version of Celestia, and noticed he'd acquired a gas giant in close orbit around the Sun ... it looks to me as if a gas giant in orbit round a star that doesn't exist in stars.dat has been dropped into orbit around Hip 0 (the Sun), instead of simply being suppressed.


Edit: :oops: Pat noticed the bug in Linux, but the code change was made by Chris, who's currently bug-hunting it.

Posted: 02.09.2004, 13:21
by ben_o
Any ideas on how to find out which star is missing? I am having troubles working out exactly which 'b' planet it is.

I'll have a go at grepping the stars.dat and the extrasolar.ssc files together....


Posted: 02.09.2004, 13:25
by ben_o
BD-10 3166 is the reference I pick up from it. (It's amazing what a Right-mouse click can give you...[/url]

Posted: 02.09.2004, 13:41
by ben_o
Scuse my bug post..... :oops:

Getting the additional stc file from
sorts it out, if anyone has a similar problem.


Posted: 02.09.2004, 13:43
by ben_o
[Removed by ben_o.]

Posted: 02.09.2004, 15:40
by granthutchison
ben_o wrote:Scuse my bug post.....
It's still a bug - Celestia should just ignore homeless planets instead of going around finding them alternative accommodation.
