I go a few steps further myself to be more organized (or anal)
I've added subdirectories within subdirectories. Extras are split into space (real) and space (fictional) and within those are even more subdirectories of objects. Maybe not a perfect system or way of doing things but it works for me. My fictional space contains far more add-ons than my real space does
So much that it slows the system greatly at startup. Would be nice if there was some sort of file managing system built into the program itself one day (hint, hint) to select which files to enable or disable. Takes my pc (650 MHz Win98) 5-8 minutes to start Celestia with everything as it is. Once it starts though it's fast enough except when viewing some of the more detailed models or systems, then the framerate takes a big hit. If I need a faster startup (for testing, etc) I move some or all unnecessary extras to a temp location outside of the Celestia directory and that's where having detailed subdirectories comes in handy. Just my 2 cents
Sample directory
Directory of C:\Celestia
05/07/2004 12:53a <DIR> CD-DVD Covers
08/30/2004 09:10p <DIR> data
05/07/2004 12:53a <DIR> Educational Activities
08/30/2004 09:25p <DIR> extras
08/30/2004 09:10p <DIR> fonts
08/30/2004 09:10p <DIR> models
08/30/2004 09:10p <DIR> shaders
08/30/2004 09:10p <DIR> textures
05/07/2004 12:55a <DIR> User Guides
Directory of C:\Celestia\extras
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Space 1 (Real)
05/07/2004 01:15a <DIR> Space 2 (Fictional)
Directory of C:\Celestia\extras\Space 1 (Real)
05/07/2004 12:53a <DIR> Asteroids
06/17/2004 01:11a <DIR> Comets
05/11/2004 12:57a <DIR> Galaxies
05/07/2004 12:53a <DIR> Kuiper Belt Objects
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Nebulae
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Planets
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Spacecraft
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Stars
Directory of C:\Celestia\extras\Space 1 (Real)\Planets
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Comparison Maps
06/17/2004 02:05a <DIR> Earth
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Jupiter
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Mars
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Mercury
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Neptune
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Saturn
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Uranus
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Venus
07/02/2004 05:30a <DIR> Virtual Textures
Directory of C:\Celestia\extras\Space 1 (Real)\Planets\Virtual Textures\textures\medres\Mars VT
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> level0
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> level1
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> level2
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> level3
Directory of C:\Celestia\extras\Space 1 (Real)\Spacecraft
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Earth
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Interplanetary
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Mars
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Moon
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Venus
Directory of C:\Celestia\extras\Space 1 (Real)\Spacecraft\Earth
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> AMSAT Oscar 7
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Apollo-Saturn V
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Apollo-Soyuz
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Chandra X-Ray Obseravtory
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Cosmos 1
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Explorer 1
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Hubble Space Telescope
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Infrared Space Observatory
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> International Space Station
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Mercury and Gemini
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Mir
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Salyut 7
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Shenzhou V
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Shuttle Atlantis
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Shuttle Columbia
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Shuttle Discovery
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Skylab
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Sputnik
Directory of C:\Celestia\extras\Space 1 (Real)\Spacecraft\Interplanetary
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Cassini
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Deep Impact Impactor
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Galileo and Probe
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Genesis
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Giotto
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Helios 1 and 2
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> International Cometary Explorer
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Mariner 02
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Mariner 10
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Near Eros Landing Site
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Nozomi
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Pioneer 06 and 07
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Pioneer 10 and 11
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Sakigake
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Spitzer Space Telescope
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Stardust
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Ulysses Solar Probe
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Vega 1
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Venera
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Voyager 1 and 2
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Zond 3
Directory of C:\Celestia\extras\Space 2 (Fictional)
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> 2001
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Alien
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Altair
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Babylon 5
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Celestia Spaceships
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Dune
05/07/2004 01:16a <DIR> Jules Verne's Gallia
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> M57
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Planet X
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Protodisc
05/07/2004 12:54a <DIR> Protostar
05/07/2004 12:55a <DIR> Red Giant Earth
05/07/2004 12:55a <DIR> Space 1999
05/07/2004 12:55a <DIR> Space Lift
05/13/2004 12:06a <DIR> Star Trek
05/07/2004 12:55a <DIR> Star Wars
05/07/2004 12:55a <DIR> Terraformed Mars
05/07/2004 12:55a <DIR> UFO
05/07/2004 12:55a <DIR> V380
05/07/2004 12:55a <DIR> War of The Worlds