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Read This Before Reporting a Bug!
Posted: 07.06.2002, 17:14
by chris
When posting bug reports in this form, always specify what OS and graphics card you're using. Without this basic information, it's often impossible to say anything helpful about fixes or workarounds. The more details you provide, the better the chance that someone will be able to help you.
Posted: 21.07.2003, 15:08
by don
Also . . .
* In your "bug" post, please include the version number of Celestia you are running. This can be found by selecting the
Help / About Celestia menu options in Celestia.
* Please take a couple of minutes to read through the document
A prelimiary Celestia User's FAQ, located at It answers many Frequently Asked Questions about Celestia. One of the questions is . . .
Where can I get another version of Celestia that might work better?
a) Older versions of Celestia are available on SourceForge:
See ... p_id=21302
v1.2.4 seems the most robust, but does not include many recent features.
b) Some "prerelease" versions of Celestia for Windows are available
on See
The most recent "prerelease" (e.g. V1.3.1 pre6) may work better for you.
Thank you!
Re: Read This Before Reporting a Bug!
Posted: 31.03.2009, 18:00
by selden
If you post a bug report here and it gets fixed, PLEASE edit the title of the thread you created to include the word "Fixed".
To change that title, select the "edit" icon of your original posting. One of the things you can edit is its title.
Re: Read This Before Reporting a Bug!
Posted: 01.04.2009, 16:24
by Chuft-Captain
selden wrote:If you post a bug report here and it gets fixed, PLEASE edit the title of the thread you created to include the word "Fixed".
To change that title, select the "edit" icon of your original posting. One of the things you can edit is its title.
Can I suggest that it might be a good idea to enter this as a "tag" (eg. "**FIXED**) rather than just the word "Fixed".
This would allow a search of the forum for all **FIXED** bugs.
PS. Of course, everyone would have to agree to use the same tag.
Re: Read This Before Reporting a Bug!
Posted: 02.04.2009, 11:15
by ElChristou
Yep, perso I've use brackets [] because they are commonly use for such usage on boards I know... "Fixed" is ok for bugs but I think "Solved" can be used both for bugs and common questions/problems. Le's say it's more general. I've also used a "On Hold" for a topic that can get answers right now, we can also use "Download" when a link is available etc...
Selden, I know it's your job to determinate such things, so don't take it bad. If you just want to see "Fixed", just confirm and I'll edit again my posts.
Re: Read This Before Reporting a Bug!
Posted: 02.04.2009, 12:54
by Chuft-Captain
I've just tested this and discovered that the phpBB search facility is a load of rubbish.
It seems to ignore any non-alphabetic characters such as [ ] ( ) < > # @ in search criteria.
It looks like it will be a waste of time trying to come up with a special tag.
[solved], (solved), <solved>, #solved#, {solved}, etc. all get executed as a search for the word "solved" only. (ie. So, all of these searches will return your bugs ElChristou, because it's only matching with the non-tag word "solved")
Re: Read This Before Reporting a Bug!
Posted: 02.04.2009, 13:48
by ElChristou
Right... Anyway the brackets could be ignore for a search but they have an impact at visual level, no? (one immediately know it's a tag)