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Just FYI

Posted: 21.02.2004, 22:17
by Bob Hegwood

Just so you know about it...

1. There is no license information included with Pre3.

2. The "About" panel shows that this is Pre-release 1.3.2 Pre1

3. You logo is no longer a shiny blue. Just white on my screen.

Just thought I'd let you know. :wink:

Take care, Bob

Re: Just FYI

Posted: 22.02.2004, 07:19
by don
Bob Hegwood wrote:1. There is no license information included with Pre3.

2. The "About" panel shows that this is Pre-release 1.3.2 Pre1

3. You logo is no longer a shiny blue. Just white on my screen.

Howdy Bob,

RE #1 Just checked menu-Help / License, which I figure is what you are talking about. MY fault. It's looking for a filename without the .txt extension, so I just changed the extension back to nothing in the celestia.iss file (used to build the Windows distribution).

RE #2 ... This is something Chris has to change in the Windows Resources files.

RE #3 ... Same here even with the current CVS (Windows, Feb 21, 2004 6:37 pm MST)

-Don G.

Posted: 22.02.2004, 09:34
by Bob Hegwood
Well, I'm glad that they were at least understood for a change. :wink:

I don't *like* my Celestia Logo to be all white. Yuck!

Take care, Bob

Posted: 22.02.2004, 09:37
by JackHiggins
Bob Hegwood wrote:I don't *like* my Celestia Logo to be all white. Yuck!

I agree! Blue was much better!