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Disappearence of location labels

Posted: 28.12.2003, 03:12
by timcrews

I am running 1.3.1 final on Windows XP SP1, NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti4200.

Using Fridger's new locations file, I can zoom into a large very populous area, such as the area surrounding Los Angeles. As I zoom in farther, the importance value kicks in, and I see progressively more labels, so that they become extremely densely packed, and the screen is basically just painted green. I understand why that happens. My understanding is that Fridger is still working on optimizing the importance weights to alleviate this effect.

But strangely, as I zoom in a bit further, I see location labels start to disappear. Starting with a very small circle in the middle of the screen, as I zoom in farther, the circle expands, with no labels appearing inside the circle, no matter what the importance weights of the corresponding locations.

Labels are not turning on/off as a whole. In the cases where a label crosses the previously mentioned circle, the portion of the label inside the circle disappears, while the portion remaining outside the circle is still visible.

Tim Crews

Posted: 30.12.2003, 08:18
by don
Howdy Tim,

I tried to duplicate this on XP Pro with an ATI 9700 Pro set at 1024 x 768 running a full-screen window (not full-screen display), standard medres textures, OpenGL vertex program -- and the location labels only disappear when I get down to 10 or 15 meters above the surface.

What resolution is your monitor set to, what size window are you running Celestia in, what resolution texture are you using, what RenderPath (Ctrl+v) are you using, etc.?


-Don G.

Posted: 30.12.2003, 16:02
by timcrews

I have a 1280x1024 LCD display, so my resolution is always set to 1280x1024.

I also always run Celestia in full-screen mode. Based on your suggestion, I tried running it in windowed mode ... and the bug went away. I am unable to produce the bug in windowed mode.

Back to full-screen mode, and I see the bug with all rendering paths. (Basic, multitexture, OpenGL vertex, NVIDIA combiners, OpenGL vertex + NVIDIA combiners.) The labels start disappearing somewhere around 300km distance from Earth.

The center of the occluding circle is not always the center of the screen. When I went to reproduce the bug just now, the circle seemed to expand from a point just off the lower-left corner of the screen.

The occluding object is not always a circle, either. On an earlier trial, it appeared to be more of a diamond shape, but the sides of the diamond were slightly arc-shaped.


Posted: 01.01.2004, 11:36
by don
Howdy Tim,

Ahhhh, okay, thanks for the details. Yes, I can confirm this problem in full-screen mode, on Win XP Pro, 1.3.1 final, 1024 x 768, on an ATI Radeon 9700 Pro.

-Don G.