marc wrote:First off, don't complain about something that is done for free. Its just plain rude.
Howdy marc,
Thanks for sharing your opinions, but I highly disagree.
"First off", it was CHRIS who decided to release Celestia into the world of Open Source, not me. Just because a program is "free" doesn't mean a thing, except that it is free.
And, since Chris provided TWO means by which to report bugs ( and SourceForge), as well as asking people to "test" Celestia pre-releases -- then the bugs that ARE reported should at least be acknowledged. If Chris does not want to fix bugs, then there should be NO means by which to have users report them. As well as NEVER asking for anyone to "test"anything related to Celestia. OR, the Bug reporting instructions should explicity state, "DO NOT report any bugs other than those that crash Celestia."
So, I am the one who finds it "rude" that ASKED-FOR bug and problem reports are being ignored. Sorry, this is my opinion.
marc wrote:Second. ... With that much experience and free time, learning C++ and MSVC6 should be a piece of piss for you.
If you have used Delphi then you have already done some OOP, it uses Object Pascal and that is an Object Orientated Language.
Sorry, but I am a procedural language programmer by experience (mostly minis and mainframes, with BASIC on Apple and PCs). In the late 1990's, I spent countless weeks and months trying to get my head around C++ and OOP (trying even harder with Delphi), but never fully succeeded. My mind is simply
stuck in procedural code mode and is now medicated due to arthritic pain, which makes it impossible to learn anything as complex and involved as OOP and C++ at this time. I am on disability, which is why I have "free time".
marc wrote:Lastly, If your bugs are deemed serious enough they may eventually get fixed.
What do you mean "my" bugs? During the past 12 months,
MANY people have reported 500+ bugs and problems in the Celestia BUGS forum. So "I" am
not the only person reporting bugs and problems.
marc wrote:Keep in mind that you are probably the only person using the video recording and scripting features in anger.
Huh? Why don't you stick it in your ear marc?
What have
YOU done for the Celestia community?
YOU bothered to spend hundreds of hours beta-testing every single available function in Celestia, and painstakingly documenting each and every problem found -- not once, but SEVERAL times for different pre-releases -- only to have MOST of them ignored?
YOU spent hundreds of hours trying to document the Celestia .CEL Scripting language, with narry any help from the people who WROTE it, in order to allow ALL Celestia users to be able to write their own scripts?
So, until
YOU have actually spent hundreds of hours doing something
USEFUL for the
Celestia community, and trying in utter frustration to get assistance from "the developers" to do these things ... why don't you go back to hacking Chris' Celestia code to create your own
"Elite like space game" -- instead of
encouraging anger here?
My initial post in this thread asked a VALID question, and it still stands:
... Is
*anyone* going to fix bugs in Celestia?
If nobody stands up and asks these hard questions, what will Celestia become? Probably just another one of the thousands of "free", bug-ridden, highly-downloaded, barely used, nobody-cares, programs <FROWN>. This is something that seemingly only a small handful of non-C++ programming Celestia users do
NOT want to see happen. I am one of them and I am outspoken so I
will stand up and ask these hard questions. This is who I am.
-Don G.