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1.3.0 Image/Movie Capture

Posted: 14.08.2003, 04:05
by DaveMc
I'm having problems capturing images/movies in version 1.3.0. I've tried the workarounds discussed on this forum and so far nothing seems to work. I'm not ruling out operator error but so far no matter what I do to capture an image or movie this I get a skewed image like this:


The only thing that seems to work is a screen shot as follows (which of course doesn't work for a movie):


Any help or suggestions appreciated!


Posted: 14.08.2003, 05:54
by DaveMc
Opps, forgot to post my system specs:

Gateway 1700cx
1.7GHz P4
80 GB Hard Drive (66 GB available)
512 MB RAM
ATI Radoen VE 7000 Video Card, 64 MB RAM

FWIW, the Radeon 7000 supports the .dds files but not specular maps.

Posted: 14.08.2003, 07:59
by don
Hi Dave,

Can you tell us the following things that you enter/select when creating a movie? ...

* Save As Type (.AVI, or other?)
* Size
* Compressor you select
* If the compressor allows the Configure button, what config info?


-Don G. (another user)

Posted: 14.08.2003, 19:37
by DaveMc
Hi Don,

I tried saving as an .AVI as that was the only option that appeared, is Quicktime an option also? I also tried full frames uncompressed and the Cinepak codec (best quality-100%). I got the same result each time for the movie. As for static images I've only tried JPEG so far.

Thanks for the help!

Posted: 14.08.2003, 23:06
by don
DaveMc wrote:... is Quicktime an option also?

Hi Dave,

All I have seen is AVI also, but one never knows.

The things I would check include:
* Up to date video card drivers (Catalyst 3.6) from ATI?

* Is your DirectX up to date (ver. 9.0b)?

* Is your Windows Media Player (if this is what you use to play AVIs) up to date (ver. 9)?

Let us know how it goes Dave.

-Don G.

Posted: 15.08.2003, 21:36
by DaveMc
Hi Don,

* Video card drivers are the latest ones supported by Gateway but not as recent as the Catalyst 3.6 available directly from ATI.

* DirectX is 9.0b

* Windows Media Player isn't the latest version but I don't think it's the issue as I have the same problem if I open the .AVI file in Quicktime. Also the static image captures are skewed exactly like the movies when opened in Photoshop, Irfanview, etc.

I'll keep trying things-have a good weekend,


Posted: 15.08.2003, 21:47
by don
Hi Dave,

If you can backup your system and try the Catalyst drivers, that might make the difference. I have a Dell Dimension (desktop), had their latest ATI drivers, and things did not look right either. I moved to the Catalyst drivers and everything went fine.

DO backup your system somehow, beforehand, as changing video drivers these days can be a real mess <frown>.

Good luck!

-Don G.

Posted: 16.08.2003, 04:49
by DaveMc
Hi Don.

I think I have it figured out. I didn't have to change video card drivers, just tweak the current config. The main thing was to reset the OpenGL setting to DEFAULT (they were at some custom setting).

Here's an example of an Image Capture (Movies look the same) with the new settings:


Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!


Posted: 16.08.2003, 16:37
by don
:D Yipiee!!

Way to go Dave!

Congratulations. Thanks for keeping after it until you got it figured out.

8O Reset the OpenGL settings to default, huh? I'll have to remember that one.

Might have been all that was wrong with my system too, since installing new drivers would have re-set all settings, including OpenGL, to default values.

:D Thanks again for sticking with it Dave, and enjoy your new movie and still photo captures.

-Don G.

Posted: 18.08.2003, 21:20
by DaveMc

I had time to do a little more research on this issue and it turns out it
involved the video card OpenGL anti-aliasing setting which is diabled by

If I enable full scene anti-aliasing in the OpenGL settings, I get the
skewed image/movie captures. This seems unrelated to the anti-aliasing
setting in Celestia.

I saw you added a note about the default OpenGL settings in the FAQ so I
thought you may want to add this additional info.


Posted: 18.08.2003, 21:57
by don
Hi Dave,

Thank you for the extra information. Every little bit helps when something is not working right. I just added this to the User FAQ also.


-Don G.