Mistake in surface locations for uranian moons
Posted: 24.07.2003, 00:06
by JackHiggins
Theres a big mistake in the surface locations for all of the large uranian moons- they're all on the sides of the moons covered by the limit of knowledge mask! Clearly it's the locations that are wrong, because the LOK masks are fine for the voyager 2 flyby.
Posted: 24.07.2003, 19:11
by granthutchison
This one was detected and fixed (as was a similar problem with Venus) - I guess the files on the webpage just haven't been updated yet.
Posted: 26.07.2003, 11:32
by praesepe
granthutchison wrote:This one was detected and fixed (as was a similar problem with Venus) - I guess the files on the webpage just haven't been updated yet.
Where can the corrected location files be downloaded from? Or there haven't been uploaded yet?
Posted: 26.07.2003, 20:28
by granthutchison
Locations for Venus, and the Uranian and Neptunian moons, are now corrected. Get them at