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Celestia v1.3.1pre6: no Moon orbit

Posted: 08.07.2003, 17:05
by selden
(edited to specify the problem correctly)
At first I thought this was a more general problem with the new orbit code, but maybe not.

Problem: The orbit of the Earth's moon isn't drawn unless the Moon is selected.

solarsys.ssc's definition for the Moon has never included the line

Code: Select all

Class "moon"
Unfortunately, adding that line doesn't help.

Here's an example of the Moon's orbit not being shown even though
moon orbits are enabled.

(as usual, this links to a larger image)

Posted: 08.07.2003, 17:23
by granthutchison
I'm obviously being dim - but I can see the Moon's orbit in your screenshot. What is the problem you're having?


Posted: 08.07.2003, 17:31
by selden

if you can see it, and I can't, it's time for me to get a new crt here at work.
I hadn't realized it was quite that bad (it's cranked up all the way).
I can see orbits of planets and saturn's moons, though.

Posted: 08.07.2003, 17:40
by chris
Apparently, I chose too dark a color for moon orbits. I'll pick something a bit brighter.

But Selden, you still need to replace that monitor! :)


Posted: 08.07.2003, 18:49
by abiogenesis

I'm glad that you did decide to use different colors for the orbits. I always thought they looked more interesting that way.

One thing I noticed, though, is that moon orbits will not show up if their parent planet is not selected, regardless of the orbit settings. In the code I submitted I had fixed this, though it may have been an inefficient solution. I am wondering if this is a feature that will be implemented in the future or if it has been cut.

- a b i o g e n e s i s -

Posted: 08.07.2003, 20:34
by Darkmiss
I thought i was going crazy when i was viewing the screen shot