"open new browser window" seems to be a feature of the current version of phpBB, the Forum software used on for the Celestia forum. Cliking on any URL (not just a Cel::// one) will open that Web page in a new window.
Unfortunately, I don't have Word on my system at home, just Word Viewer and WordPad. I installed OpenOffice a couple of days ago, but I seriously doubt that it's "bug compatible" with MS Word
I've been doing a few tests (while editing this post)
OpenOffice v1.1 isn't sufficiently compatible with Word yet. When I used it to paste a Cel:// URL into a Word .DOC file, the result caused WordViewer to complain "Error! Hyperlink reference invalid".
Hmmm. I got it to "fail" once, but I can't reproduce it.
The following sequence of commands failed (no Celestia windows opened) on a system with lots of windows open and lots of task icons in the taskbar (it was full from left to right, but should have been able to create a new icon by shrinking them)
open local web page of Cel:// URLs
highlight one of the URLs and use right-mouse-button-menu item "copy"
open empty doc file using WordPad
Insert the url using right-mouse-button-menu item "paste"
close document
Open document using WordViewer
Click on the URL.
Celestia starts and runs but never opens a window.
while that copy is running, try to start Celestia by double-clicking on the desktop icon.
Celestia starts and runs and the screen blinks as if it were about to open an OpenGL window, but it doesn't actually open the window.
The task manager shows two copies of Celestia running and using all the cpu, but no windows opened.
kill everything except the IE "group" in the taskbar and the task manager.
Double click on the Celestia icon
Celestia starts and opens a window looking at Io
open the Web document in WordViewer
click on the URL
Celestia goes there.
So somehow (on my system, at least) it seems related to starting Celestia from scratch from a Word document. It starts fine from scratch from an HTTP (Web) document.
And it also seems related to what else might be running:
killing off Celestia and Word Viewer and restarting them while lots of other programs are running, I can't reproduce the failure: now Celestia starts every time.