This has just created a short burst of hair-tearing for me, since I wanted to reproduce the orbit of Alula Australis B (and then some of the other members of the system). So first I added the star as an stc file:
Code: Select all
#Alula Australis
500000 {
RA 169.54558
Dec 31.70333
Distance 27.3
SpectralType "G0V"
AppMag 4.33
Fine, now there's a star in Celestia. Then I made an ssc for Alula Australis B - but it doesn't appear in Celestia. Check for typos - nothing. So I eventually rename my Alula Australis to just plain "Testing", and up comes its companion.
So if a star is missing from stars.dat, but is still named in starnames.dat, it seems that the non-existent star will "steal" any planets you try to define for a replacement star with the same name. Celestia presumably scans starnames.dat and ties your new planet to the Hip number of the first occurrence of a matching star name - in this case, one that doesn't exist in stars.dat.