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Bug with Pandora (minor moon of Saturn)?

Posted: 28.12.2021, 14:38
by TJackson
I think this is a bug. Thanks.


If it matters:
Windows 8.1
Processor: AMD A6-5200 APU with Radeon HD Graphics
System Type: 64-bit (x64-based processor)

Posted: 31.12.2021, 02:21
by SevenSpheres
This has been reported on GitHub:

You shouldn't generally create duplicate threads like this; the GitHub issues page is used as the main bug tracker, not this subforum.

Posted: 02.01.2022, 03:20
by TJackson
Pardon. Didn't realize you were saying that you just reported it. Thought you were just referencing it. Me bad. :oops: