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Death Star 2

Posted: 11.04.2003, 15:49
by ElPelado
i have the Death Star, but not long time ago it has dessaperared. i move it to other planet, and it appears. so the problem is that i cant put it on endor(i also try moving endor to other system and it doesn't work).
what can i do

the code:
"Death Star 2" "hd 143761/endor"
Mesh "Dstar2.3ds"
Radius 130
EllipticalOrbit {
Period 2
SemiMajorAxis 24200
CloudMap ""
RotationPeriod 0.2

"DS_inside1" "hd 143761/endor"
Radius 20
Texture "Black.bmp"
EllipticalOrbit {
Period 2
SemiMajorAxis 24200
CloudHeight 105
CloudMap "DStar2.png"
RotationPeriod 0.2

"DS_inside2" "hd 143761/endor"
Radius 20
Texture "Black.bmp"
EllipticalOrbit {
Period 2
SemiMajorAxis 24200
CloudHeight 100
CloudMap "DStar1.png"
RotationPeriod 0.2