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Application priority when in background

Posted: 03.02.2003, 00:48
by Paolo
I don't know if is a bug but I've noticed that the performances of my system decrease heavly when Celestia 1.2.5 works in backgraoud or hasn't the input focus.

I think that should be better if the program can test this situation and freeze or slow down to allow to work reliably with other programs, like C++ compiler or so.

My system
Athlon XP 1800
512 MB RAM
ATI Radeon 8500
Windows XP

Hey Chris you havn't answered to my last suggestions in previous post "Callisto Orbit":
What do you think about it? Was it all a nonsense or there was something good?


Posted: 03.02.2003, 03:20
by selden

Celestia always uses 100% of the CPU to recalculate the positions of all of the visible objects. One way to give interactive jobs better response under XP is to use the Windows Task Manager to change Celestia's process priority.

Start the Task Manager (hold down the Ctrl Alt keys and type the Del key)
select the "Processes" tab,
click on the "Name" column heading so you can find Celestia.exe easily
select Celestia.exe with the right-most mouse button and hold it down.
Select "Set Priorty..." "Low".

Windows will display a warning popup. Click on "OK".

There are some freeware task priority utilities that can be used, too.

I hope this helps.

Posted: 03.02.2003, 09:00
by Paolo
Thank you for the suggestion, but on my system Celestia still "eat" about 50% of CPU time, and it is tedious to downsize manually the application priority avery time. :?

I think that Chris should implement easily a routine that traps if the application is in backgrund an so perform the updating of the whole stuff only every n frames or so. :wink:

Bye :D