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Please report problems with the MacOS X version here.

Posted: 22.01.2003, 22:21
by HankR
Please report problems with the MacOS X version here.

For starters:

* The delete (backspace) key doesn't work. (Type carefully.)

* Picking is hit or miss -- mostly miss. (You'll have to type. See previous entry.)

* Favorites are flakey.

* Display of orbits is not working correctly.

Posted: 24.01.2003, 19:10
by HankR
Here are two more problems with the current version (but already fixed for the next release):

* Nightside lights don't work

* Compressed .dds texture files don't work

- Hank

P.S. Don Edwards' hires .dds earth textures are spectacular!

Posted: 26.01.2003, 21:39
by Rigel
It is a really good pre-alpha version. Thank you HankR. But I also noticed some things that don't seem to work properly.

Especially, the movement of the sky when you drag the mouse from left to right, or from down to up, or when you rotate around a selected body with the right bouton of the mouse down. All these movements are very too slow, much slower than in the 1.2.2 release. It is therefore difficult to go from one place to another with the mouse only.

Good luck to correct those minor bugs !

Performs better than a pre-alpha for me

Posted: 26.01.2003, 23:12
by sardu
Been playing with 1.2.5 a lot. I've seen one thing that hasn't been mentioned here yet. Sometimes the camera speed will seem to get 'stuck' at some undefined or perhaps infinite rate, and other times the FOV seems to get handed a similar bad/undefined/unexpected value.

These conditions have only happened when Celestia had been running for 3-4 hours. It doesn't segfault or anything, but navigation becomes impossible and usually the only thing that will render are the text messages.

I've hit nothing else beyond some of the (very) minor bugs already mentioned here in the forum (poor mouse selection, no night maps). I have also not seen any significant slow down compared to 1.2.2, as Rigel reported. Specs: 15" LCD iMac G4, 700Mhz, 512MB.

This new build is great IMHO. Well done!

PS. Nice to see Sol again! I built 1.2.5-src with Apple's X11 and Fink's gtk libs and it lost the Sun!

Posted: 27.01.2003, 04:37
by HankR
The fix for the missing Sol problem is a one-liner. In 'src/celengine/stardb.cpp' change line 331 from:

if (!in.good())


if ( in.bad() )

I'm curious how well your gtk/X11 version performs.

I also have not had the performance problems reported by Rigel, but then I have a high-end graphics card. It would help to know what graphics hardware he has. Also, Apple is improving its OpenGL support rapidly, so it's important to have the latest system update (10.2.3).

- Hank

Posted: 28.01.2003, 05:59
by sardu
HankR wrote:I'm curious how well your gtk/X11 version performs.

I tossed it when the OS X 1.2.5 version came out but I'm going to build it again with that fix and compare the two.

Bug in 1280 x 1000

Posted: 28.01.2003, 16:35
by Vinc26
Hi !

When I'm in full screen, the earth become like that :


It was also a bug in 1.2.3.
And I've try to change textures... etc...


G4 MDD Bi867 / GForce4MX 64Mo / OSX.2.3

Bug in 1280 x 1000

Posted: 28.01.2003, 16:39
by Vinc26
Vinc26 wrote:
It was also a bug in 1.2.3.

No... in 1.2.2

Posted: 29.01.2003, 01:05
by Vinc26
An another problem on my french system :

for example, the "A" key or "Z" key doesn't work at all. (It was working in 1.2.2 version). Most of key doesn't work now.

And the right+click doesn't work too.


Posted: 29.01.2003, 11:52
by minibul
I've the same problem as Vinc 26 with my french keyboard :cry:
Anyway You've made a real great job with this new realise. It run well on my G4 cube with gforce 2 mx. I wonder how fats you work on celestia, I'm so impatient with the possibility to see night maps, bump, and comet flare ! Well, I'm like a kid with a new toy today. Thank's for your work. :D

Nvidia Geforce MX Rendering and Mouse features

Posted: 29.01.2003, 13:51
by TomTzart
Nice new alpha version of Celestia for Mac OS X. I have been using Celestia from the first Windows versions to the last Mac ones and have to congratulate you for this very good astronomy application.

Proving this new version I have found some little bugs that I want to report you. I've got these resources:

PowerMac G4 Quicksilver 1 GHz Dual
1,280 Gb RAM memory
Nvidia Geforce 4 MX with 64 Mb DDR memory
IntelliMouse Optical USB Mouse
Mac OS X.2.3

I find this new version not as smoother as previous 1.2.2 version. The movements are harder and slower and sometimes it doesn't render as faster as the previous Celestia. I know that this is an alpha, but have the impression that, as in Mac OS X all the desktop is managed by the graphic card, Celestia consumes all the resources, so everything ( not only the program ) start to work slowly.

Have had problems with the mouse, but it has happened two with the previous version. The wheel doesn't work at all, as it works in Windows systems perfectly ( to adjust the distance ). The right buttom doesn't show the contextual menu, just only allow me to move the screen. If I use left buttom + option, it doen't show anything either.

Suppose that you still haven't implement the capture features because they appear in shadow.

I'd like to say that I miss the contextual menus that Windows versions have in Mac OS versions. May this way seems to be more Cocoa, more Mac, but I think that they help a lot in the upper bar, more than in a contextual menu. Just an opinion.

The rest of the program runs very well and seems to be more spectacular than ever.



Posted: 29.01.2003, 14:00
by Vinc26
Is anybody has the same problem than me in more than 1200x1000 ?

in waiting for a response,

Vinc'26 :wink:

Posted: 29.01.2003, 14:52
by Phil

I can't run Celestia if it's not is the Applications directory.

Posted: 30.01.2003, 13:24
by minibul
for vinc26 : I've the same problem with huge graphmap. :cry:

Posted: 30.01.2003, 15:05
by Thorsten
When i am in front of ISS and press the F1 Key the ISS disapears(also all other spacecrafts)
The A and Z Key wont work (in 1.2.2it works)



Posted: 30.01.2003, 15:10
by Thorsten
Vinc26 wrote:Is anybody has the same problem than me in more than 1200x1000 ?

in waiting for a response,

Vinc'26 :wink:

Yes, me too

Sorry The ISS Problem appears with the F2 Key

Posted: 30.01.2003, 15:25
by Guest

Posted: 30.01.2003, 15:32
by Vinc26
Oh yes ! I thought it was my graphic card... but finally, I'm not allone.

What are your graphic card ?

Arrow Keys

Posted: 30.01.2003, 22:12
by Rodago
Here's another bug.
The other day, I was just playing around in Celestia like usual when my up and down arrow keys suddenly reversed. Right in the middle of me using the program. And now it stays that way whenever I open it. Weird, huh?

Latitude/longitude entry

Posted: 31.01.2003, 01:18
by Matt McIrvin
Entering latitude and longitude into the dialog doesn't give the right results at all. I tried my hometown and ended up over Antarctica.

Also, the constellation boundary sphere seems slightly misaligned with the celestial sphere, even when one is so close to Earth or the Sun that there shouldn't be any visible parallax. (Look at the region around Polaris.)

(This is a great alpha! Even with all the bugs, it's far preferable to the previous version.)