I then tried to build another svn version I had. Version 4559. That too stopped building at shadermanager.cpp. I know I was able to build this before. This version at least gives a reason.
shadermanager.o -MD -MP -MF ".deps/shadermanager.Tpo" -c -o shadermanager.o shadermanager.cpp; \
then mv -f ".deps/shadermanager.Tpo" ".deps/shadermanager.Po"; else rm -f ".deps/shadermanager.Tpo"; exit 1; fi
shadermanager.cpp: In member function ‘GLFragmentShader* ShaderManager::buildFragmentShader(const ShaderProperties&)’:
shadermanager.cpp:1226: internal compiler error: Segmentation fault
Since I am also getting freeze ups for other reasons, It looks like this computer is going though it's final days. I'm thinking that this is probably a hardware problem but I don't have a clue as to why it would fail to build this program or why building this program is showing the problem.