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Negative Venus Day length in r4493

Posted: 10.10.2008, 12:18
by SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1)
I've noticed, that after selecting Venus in r4493 one can find the following line in Verbose Information Text:

Code: Select all

Day length: -20996797.016 seconds

The absolute value of this number seems to be correct ( 243.0184839 days ). Is this line intentional or is it a bug?


Re: Negative Venus Day length in r4493

Posted: 10.10.2008, 12:49
by ajtribick
Looks like the different systems of representing retrograde rotation strike again.

Also "day length" is a somewhat ambiguous term: to me it implies the length of a solar day, but is used by Celestia to represent the sidereal rotation period. The two are significantly different on Venus!

Re: Negative Venus Day length in r4493

Posted: 10.10.2008, 12:55
by Cham
Yes, I agree that "Day length" is confusing. Should be "Rotation period" instead. Also, the number of 0 digits shown for many numbers is confusing for most students. The hud needs some adjustements.