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DeepsSky Object gone

Posted: 05.10.2008, 12:47
by HB
From the executable of the latest SVN downloads, the Deepsky objects, like the milky way, are gone.
It has been sorted out that from the file config.ccp the following line is missing:

configParams->getString("DeepSkyCatalog", config->deepSkyCatalog);
config->deepSkyCatalog = WordExp(config->deepSkyCatalog);

Is this on purpose or just an accident?

Re: DeepsSky Object gone

Posted: 05.10.2008, 16:59
by t00fri
HB wrote:From the executable of the latest SVN downloads, the Deepsky objects, like the milky way, are gone.
It has been sorted out that from the file config.ccp the following line is missing:

configParams->getString("DeepSkyCatalog", config->deepSkyCatalog);
config->deepSkyCatalog = WordExp(config->deepSkyCatalog);

Is this on purpose or just an accident?

There have been substantial structural modifications in the context of my recent addition of the globular clusters implementation to SVN. Therefore it is crucial to do a complete REINSTALL! The deepsky.dsc galaxy data file has been renamed into galaxies.dsc and together with the globulars.dsc data now forms an array in celestia.cfg.

As I have written in the forum, you are bound to get into trouble if you just replace the executable from SVN or try to fiddle otherwise ;-).


Re: DeepsSky Object gone

Posted: 05.10.2008, 17:15
by selden
Confirming what Fridger wrote, I just now rebuilt Celestia r4488 from scratch and the CELX script still works fine for me when used in Celestia's current (v1.6) directory tree as downloaded by svn from SourceForge. It can't work with v1.5.1's directory tree.

Also, I can't find any source code file named config.cpp
Do you mean src/celestia/configfile.cpp ?

The code that you seem to be proposing seems to me to be obsolete: that variable is now an array and has a plural name (DeepSkyCatalogs). This suggests to me that you may be looking at and compiling from an obsolete version of the source code.

Here's one of the lines where the new name is used in the current version of configfile.cpp:
Value* dsoCatalogsVal = configParams->getValue("DeepSkyCatalogs");

As Fridger wrote, this and related changes are to support the new globular cluster catalog which will be included with Celestia v1.6. (i.e. Celestia will now include multiple .DSC files when it ships.)

This and the other symptoms being reported also may be consistent with building Celestia with obsolete build files. Have you updated the appropriate build files to include globular.h and globular.cpp?

Re: DeepsSky Object gone

Posted: 05.10.2008, 19:50
by HB
fridger wrote:As I have written in the forum, you are bound to get into trouble if you just replace the executable from SVN or try to fiddle otherwise .

Hmm... is that so. I've checked your modification around DSO and yes I've found out how it works. clever way!!
With the proper settings in the celestia.cfg file I get it work ( DeepSkyCatalog ==> DeepSkyCatalogs an [ ] around the DSC file(s))
I suppose that the galaxies.dsc is named like that only to avoid confusion with deepsky.dsc.

To Selden:

Due to my busy work I wasn't able to spend much time to Celestia and all things around it.
So I've to catch up a backlog of six or seven months and read all about important changes and after all this, to see if things are still working as before.

Yes, I mean configfile.ccp and yes too on compiling the globular.h/ccp file.

Thanks anyway to both of you.

Re: DeepsSky Object gone

Posted: 05.10.2008, 20:40
by t00fri
HB wrote:I suppose that the galaxies.dsc is named like that only to avoid confusion with deepsky.dsc.

It was simply a matter of logics. The addition of another deepsky data set (globular.dsc) besides the galaxy data implied that the generic name deepsky.dsc for the galaxy data alone should be specialized into galaxies.dsc...

It does not make sense to squeeze all forthcoming deepsky data into a single deepsky.dsc data file...
