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"EPS Tuc" double entry in star database?

Posted: 08.11.2002, 22:04
by Guest
Is this star so bright that it needs to be twice rendered
at the same coordinates, or is it a double entry?

Posted: 16.11.2002, 02:08
by Guest
It's a duplicate.
Here is hex data from star.dat for "Eps Tuc"

32 CE 01 00 AE 6D 03 00
1B FD BF 41 77 27 83 C2
29 5C 0B 41 7D 04 95 01

32 CE 01 00 AE 6D 03 00
1B FD BF 41 77 27 83 C2
29 5C 0B 41 7D 04 95 01

Just find and remove it.

duplicates in stars.dat

Posted: 26.11.2002, 13:28
by HB
This duplicate star is caused by a bug in the buildstardb program. I modified the sourcecode of buildstardb.cpp to get rid of this mistake and also make some enhancements for other purposes.
The problem now is that I don't know how to get the modified program to be available for all celestia users.HB

Posted: 26.11.2002, 13:44
by selden

It seems to me that you have two options:

1) become an official Celestia developer and update the CVS archive on SourceForge.
2) mail it to Chris and let him do the update.

eps tuc

Posted: 06.11.2003, 11:13
by HB
This is where I'm talking about

Posted: 06.11.2003, 18:09
by granthutchison
The double entry is already fixed in the current version of stars.dat on the CVS tree, and will go out with the next Celestia release.
However, I'm sure Chris would appreciate the revised version of buildstardb in case the database needs to be rebuilt from scratch for some reason.


Posted: 08.11.2003, 04:15
by Tech Sgt. Chen
In the interim, users can download a free hexadecimal editor called Hexplorer. They can then locate the string in question and delete it.

Hexplorer is Free and can be found here:|

Posted: 08.11.2003, 16:17
by granthutchison
I guess it might be marginally safer and less hassle to just download the current stars.dat from the CVS tree:


Posted: 19.11.2003, 09:14
by revent
This star is also duplicated in starsdb2.0C, the large (2.1 million stars) expanded star database.

It's probably in the smaller one twice as well.

Posted: 19.11.2003, 12:40
by Tech Sgt. Chen
granthutchison wrote:
I guess it might be marginally safer and less hassle to just download the current stars.dat from the CVS tree: ... /stars.dat

:wink: Oh yeah!...That'd work too!