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Eclipse shadow bug at major planets! Need Advice

Posted: 09.03.2002, 12:50
by Buschmann
I have an Elsa Victory II with Voodoo Banshee Graphics Chip. Works fine with simulation unless a GeForce would be better. But I encountered a problem a showed in this picture below! It doesn't appear at eclipse simulation on Earth and Moon, only on Jupiter, Neptun and so on...

What the hell is that? I've got the latest drivers for that chip, got the latest drivers from

Who could help?


Posted: 09.03.2002, 19:40
by chris
The Voodoo3 doesn't support setting a maximum mipmap level, so you get 'leaks' at the edges of the shadow texture. I'll have a patch for the Voodoo3 and other non-OpenGL 1.2. compliant cards very soon (possibly even later today).


Posted: 10.03.2002, 01:20
by Buschmann
chris wrote:The Voodoo3 doesn't support setting a maximum mipmap level, so you get 'leaks' at the edges of the shadow texture. I'll have a patch for the Voodoo3 and other non-OpenGL 1.2. compliant cards very soon (possibly even later today).


Would be cool!!! Thanks

Posted: 10.03.2002, 02:17
by chris
Ok . . . give this a try: ...

It's a 370K zip of celestia.exe . . . copy it over your existing celestia.exe (which is probably in c:\program files\celestia) and let me know if it fixes that crosshair effect with eclipses.


Thanks! Great!

Posted: 10.03.2002, 02:29
by Buschmann
chris wrote:Ok . . . give this a try: ...

It's a 370K zip of celestia.exe . . . copy it over your existing celestia.exe (which is probably in c:\program files\celestia) and let me know if it fixes that crosshair effect with eclipses.


Works fine! Thank you! Good work!
Best simulation ever! Thank you!

Sorry, new bug!

Posted: 10.03.2002, 02:40
by Buschmann
Now the eclipses look fine, but if I want to go to Mars or Pluto, I get an error message:

CELESTIA verursachte einen Teilungsfehler in Modul CELESTIA.EXE bei 0167:0045bd80.
EAX=00000000 CS=0167 EIP=0045bd80 EFLGS=00010212
EBX=00000003 SS=016f ESP=0070f0d0 EBP=00000002
ECX=00000001 DS=016f ESI=015b8f00 FS=3ecf
EDX=00000000 ES=016f EDI=00000000 GS=32c6
Bytes bei CS:EIP:
f7 7c 24 18 8b 44 24 28 8b 6c 24 20 89 54 24 40
00000000 00000200 00000000 00000003 3a800000 3ac00000 00000000 00000200 00000002 00000002 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000400 00000200 00000003

Sorry that is german, but means Celestia caused a ("splitting error"?) in module.

Only if I want to zoom to Mars or Pluto, until I find more destinations!

Posted: 10.03.2002, 03:02
by chris
I'm having trouble reproducing the problem . . . Does the crash occur when you zoom to Earth or Mercury?


Posted: 10.03.2002, 03:14
by Buschmann
chris wrote:I'm having trouble reproducing the problem . . . Does the crash occur when you zoom to Earth or Mercury?


No, I selected Mars, pressed G to go there, I approached the planet and some km's before came that error message and the programm crashed. Happened only with Mars and Pluto til now.

Posted: 10.03.2002, 03:19
by Buschmann
This error occured when I was trying to go to Phobos moon:

CELESTIA verursachte einen Fehler durch eine ung?ltige Seite
in Modul GLU32.DLL bei 0167:7d387d2c.
EAX=00000000 CS=0167 EIP=7d387d2c EFLGS=00210246
EBX=00d2a000 SS=016f ESP=0070f1d4 EBP=0070f200
ECX=00000003 DS=016f ESI=00001401 FS=2abf
EDX=00cb000c ES=016f EDI=08073c2e GS=42a6
Bytes bei CS:EIP:
66 0f b6 03 0f 85 c3 00 00 00 66 69 c0 01 01 e9
00000100 00000100 00000000 0000012b 00000001 00000000 000003e7 00d29d44 000003e8 00000001 00000003 0070f284 7d387811 0070f234 0000014d 000001f4

CELESTIA caused an error in an invalid "Page=Seite" in module GLU32.DLL

??????? 8O

Posted: 10.03.2002, 15:58
by Laahel
hellow again

chris, just tried your patch, no more "axes", but there is alwas the "twin" shadow problem that appears on the other side of the planed, showed in my previous shots...

same problem with the program crashing by going to mars :/

CELESTIA a caus? une d?faillance de page dans
le module GLU32.DLL ? 0167:7d337d2c.
Registres :
EAX=00000000 CS=0167 EIP=7d337d2c EFLGS=00210246
EBX=00d2a000 SS=016f ESP=0070f1d4 EBP=0070f200
ECX=00000003 DS=016f ESI=00001401 FS=6397
EDX=00cb000c ES=016f EDI=07b3fe62 GS=639e
Octets ? CS : EIP :
66 0f b6 03 0f 85 c3 00 00 00 66 69 c0 01 01 e9
?tat de la pile :
00000100 00000100 00000000 0000012b 00000001 00000000 000003e7 00d29d44 000003e8 00000001 00000003 0070f284 7d337811 0070f234 0000014d 000001f4

specs : voodoo 3 3000 agp, athlon 1Ghz, 256 Mo RAM, win98 SE


Posted: 10.03.2002, 21:32
by Buschmann
Hey Laahel

thats pretty scary, that you face the same problem. And that twin shadow problem occours on my system too.


Posted: 11.03.2002, 09:27
by Laahel

in fact, the crashing problem seems to be a voodoo problem since there is no crash with the Matrox G450 ...

the twin shadows appear with both voodoo3 and g450 so, maybe a celestia bug ???

had anyone else experienced the problem ??? ( put ambiant light to see the dark side of jupiter for exemple, and see an eclipse shadow at the exact oposite of a normal eclipse shadow on jupiter )


Posted: 11.03.2002, 09:41
by Buschmann
Laahel wrote:yeah

in fact, the crashing problem seems to be a voodoo problem since there is no crash with the Matrox G450 ...

the twin shadows appear with both voodoo3 and g450 so, maybe a celestia bug ???

had anyone else experienced the problem ??? ( put ambiant light to see the dark side of jupiter for exemple, and see an eclipse shadow at the exact oposite of a normal eclipse shadow on jupiter )


I do also see these "twin shadows" but that doesn't bother me so much the way the crashes do!
I think Chris makes a good job and it was extremely helpful that he programmed this patch for celestia after I posted my problems.

This is software development at its best and he will do his best to solve that "crashing" problem, I think.

Posted: 11.03.2002, 10:36
by Laahel
yeap, wonderfull program, and i know chris, will make it the bugless possible....
that's why we post here ;p


Posted: 11.03.2002, 13:21
by ron
i am only using the plain vanilla graphics card that came with my PC but all the rendering in celestia works fine except for the eclipse. I too get the crosshair effect with and without the patch file. that aside ... great program

Posted: 11.03.2002, 18:06
by chris
I'm still working on this problem . . . it's difficult, since I can't reproduce the crash on my system. Thank you to everyone here for all the testing of the patch . . .

The patch does a test to see if the maximum mip map level feature is supported by OpenGL. Apparently, this test doesn't work on everyone's system, so I'll have to come up with something else.

The twin shadows problem happens when the ambient light level is set to something other than 'none' . . . I think I can produce a fix for this, but it may not work with older graphics cards.

Anyhow, keep watching this thread for updates on the eclipse shadow problems . . .


Posted: 11.03.2002, 19:28
by chris
Here's a possible fix for the problem . . .

Try putting this Mars texture:

into Celestia's textures/medres directory. Then visit Mars and see if you can look at it without crashing. If it works, I'll post a fixed Pluto texture as well.

There's some code in Celestia that doesn't properly deal with non-power of two textures. This code needs to eventually be fixed to report an error instead of crashing, and the few non-power of two textures in Celestia have to be resized.


Posted: 11.03.2002, 22:22
by Buschmann
Hey Chris

seems to work with that new texture, I can even go to Phobos and Deimos!!!

Would be cool if you make a new texture for Pluto :D


Posted: 12.03.2002, 00:28
by chris
Very glad to hear that this worked . . . here's the fixed Pluto texture:

Let me know if there are other textures that give you problems.


Posted: 12.03.2002, 00:33
by Buschmann
Yeepeeh!!! It works!!! Pluto looks great!

Thanks to the best software developer ever!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: