Just wondered if anyone has experienced anything like this...
I am using John van Vilet's 2-4K Jupiter and 2-4k Io textures as alt-surfaces.
When I select his texture as the alt-surface for Jupiter, the Io surface reverts back to the normal texture.
Visa-versa, if I then re-select JvV's surface for Io, then Jupiter reverts back to the normal one.
I cannot get both JvV's surfaces to display at the same time.
I've converted his original Jupiter texture into a JPG VT (2 tiles level0, 8 tiles level1).
The Io texture I've left as a straight PNG.
I suspect this is most likely a problem with my graphics or with the way I've configured the textures, but thought I'd check to see if anyone else has ever had similar experiences.
Here's a CelURL if anyone would like to test this for themselves
Code: Select all
AltSurface "Jupiter4K JPG" "Sol/Jupiter"
Texture "Jupiter4K JPG.ctx"
#NormalMap "Jupiter4KNormal JPG.ctx"
Code: Select all
ImageDirectory "Jupiter4K JPG"
BaseSplit 0
TileSize 1024
TileType "jpg"
Code: Select all
[AltSurface "John Van Vilet 2k-4k Io" "Sol/Jupiter/Io"
Texture "2k-4k Io.*"
(2K is in medres, 4K in hires)
Any ideas??