I saved the patch in a textfile called "patchfile.diff".
In Terminal (Mac OS X's line command app), I typed in:
1) cd celestia/src/celengine (I think that gets me to the right directory)
2) patch -p0 < patchfile.diff
But all I got was:
Steven-Binders-Computer:~/celestia/src/celengine stevenbinder$ patch -p0 < patchfile.diff
can't find file to patch at input line 8
Perhaps you used the wrong -p or --strip option?
The text leading up to this was:
|Index: src/celengine/body.cpp
|RCS file: /cvsroot/celestia/celestia/src/celengine/body.cpp,v
|retrieving revision 1.36
|diff -u -r1.36 body.cpp
|--- src/celengine/body.cpp 20 Oct 2004 06:55:50 -0000 1.36
|+++ src/celengine/body.cpp 6 Jun 2005 04:08:11 -0000
File to patch:
Since it told me it couldn't fine the file (I'm assuming it was looking for body.cpp) I just typed that in... but got this:
File to patch: body.cpp
patching file body.cpp
patch: **** malformed patch at line 9: // protos(-numeric_limits<double>::infinity()),
Steven-Binders-Computer:~/celestia/src/celengine stevenbinder$
Any thoughts? I know I'm a TOTAL newbie at this... so sorry about that. But DYING to try out your patch.
P.S. Regarding your previous post (1, 2, and 3) I just saw that... I will process it manana. But thanks!