I've been correcting the axial orientation of the planets in solarsys.ssc.
Here ... 9&start=15
we've been talking about the difficulty resolving Celestia's coordinate system with imported coordinate systems, and in the process I misunderstood something Selden had been doing with the Cassini-Phoebe encounter.
This led me to wonder about Galileo-Amalthea, which looked so nice in the latest pre of Celestia. If I'd just rearranged Jupiter's axis, and if the imported coordinate system for Amalthea was wrong anyway, how could that encounter have been so precise (particularly since it had taken Selden a day or so to get Cassini to pass near Phoebe).
So I looked at Galileo-Amalthea using my revised solarsys.ssc, and found that the encounter had been destroyed by my correction of Jupiter's axis

But then I corrected Amalthea's ascending node in the light of our recent discussions about coordinate system conversion, and the encounter came back! One problem had cancelled the other, in a way I don't understand at all.
So I'm hoping to persuade Selden to tweak the version of solarsys.ssc I have lodged on his website, so that the file reflects the proper Galileo-Amalthea encounter.
But meanwhile here is the corrected definition for Jupiter and Amalthea:
Code: Select all
"Jupiter" "Sol"
Texture "jupiter.jpg"
#Texture "westgrid.jpg" #added IAU grid texture map
HazeColor [ 0.4 0.45 0.5 ]
HazeDensity 0.3
Radius 71398
Oblateness 0.064
CustomOrbit "vsop87-jupiter"
Period 11.8622
SemiMajorAxis 5.2034
Eccentricity 0.0484
Inclination 1.3053
AscendingNode 100.556
LongOfPericenter 14.7539
MeanLongitude 34.404
RotationPeriod 9.924920 #revised value: System III - magnetic field
Obliquity 2.22 #revised value
EquatorAscendingNode 337.77 #revised value
RotationOffset 305.40 #correct orientation for map with central prime meridian
Albedo 0.51
"Amalthea" "Sol/Jupiter"
Texture "asteroid.jpg"
#Texture "westgridmirror.jpg" #added IAU grid texture map
BlendTexture true
Color [ 0.5 0.12 0.16 ]
Mesh "amalthea.3ds"
Radius 124
Epoch 2452583.763194445 #2002 Nov 05.26
Period 0.501637511
SemiMajorAxis 181994.98
Eccentricity 0.0046637841
Inclination 0.39217201
AscendingNode 224.4139186 #revised value
ArgOfPericenter 293.4707817
MeanAnomaly 319.3794140
Obliquity 0.4 #axis normal to orbit
EquatorAscendingNode 224.41 #correct orientation for given ascending node
RotationOffset 344.91 #correct orientation for given orbital parameters
Albedo 0.06