Disappearing Models in Solar Eclipse

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Post #21by GlobeMaker » 03.03.2006, 00:07

The missing stars can be seen in the picture I posted in this thread :
http://celestiaproject.net/forum/viewtopic.php ... f1c2603ae3
The thread is called "Post Bugs Here", page 6 on Jan. 5, 2006
Here is the picture of the zone near Earth in the Milky Way Galaxy with gaps between stars :

The purple dot is where Earth is located, and the dot is aligned with the celestial grid's pole.
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Post #22by Chuft-Captain » 03.03.2006, 02:47

Thanks GM,

I've seen your original post, but I didn't think at the time that that problem was related to the disappearing models problem.

Is it your opinion that the 2 problems are related?
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Post #23by Chuft-Captain » 25.03.2006, 02:56

Hello again,

This thread seems to have died.
I'm just trying to liven it up again because I consider it to be quite a serious bug when models blink out of sight for anything between a few seconds and several days or weeks.

Has anyone with the source-code been able to debug this at all? We won't make much headway unless someone's able to see what the code's doing.

Of course it would help if it could be tied down to a consistent set of circumstances, but I don't think we're quite there yet. Most of our comments regarding the cause, I think are conjecture based on observation of the rather inconsistent effects.

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Post #24by bdm » 25.03.2006, 12:08

Chuft-Captain wrote:**UPDATE**
Since logging this bug, I have experienced models disappearing for extended periods of time - days or months (even when lit by the sun), so this problem does not seem to be limited to solar eclipses.

I haven't worked out yet what the common circumstances are, but one thing I have noticed is that it does appear to be more likely to happen the further the model is from the Sun. eg. Models at Jupiter seem to suffer more from this problem than those at earth. I'm beginning to wonder if this problem may have something to do with model albedo and the amount of light available...

I'd be interested to know if other people have experienced this problem, and what were the circumstances

I have found models disappearing too. If I create a KBO far from a star, sometimes the models disaapear at different zoom settings. It seems to happen more frequently when the model is a moon.

Here is one to try:

Code: Select all

# Kuiper 228 - Mass: 1.6774E+19 kg.  Class: Normal.  Moons: 1.
# Orbit family: Main Belt. Inc: 28.221650
"Kuiper 228" "Proxima" {
    Class                "asteroid"
    Texture              "kleopatra.*"
    Color                [ 0.300 0.300 0.300 ]
    Albedo               0.160
    Mesh                 "roughsphere.cms"
    Radius               118.29
    EllipticalOrbit {
        Period           73832.915712938200
        SemiMajorAxis    843.265322563742
        Eccentricity     0.798474485328
        Inclination      147.4823
        AscendingNode    079.9977
        MeanLongitude    262.2626
        LongOfPericenter 061.4264
    Obliquity            148.3035
    EquatorAscendingNode 246.9362
    RotationOffset       000.2417
    RotationPeriod       0011.207892018186

# Moon I: Mass 1.9051E+16 kg
"K228-I" "Proxima/Kuiper 228" {
    Class                "moon"
    Texture              "golevka.*"   
    Color                [ 0.300 0.300 0.300 ]
    Albedo               0.160
    Mesh                 "amalthea.cmod"
    Radius               12.36
    EllipticalOrbit {
        Period           000.680779989248
        SemiMajorAxis    461.385855509132
        Eccentricity     0.042228490643
        Inclination      005.3208
        AscendingNode    218.2940
        MeanLongitude    167.2390
        LongOfPericenter 059.7784
    Obliquity            000.0000
    EquatorAscendingNode 140.7392
    RotationOffset       271.7661 # Tidally locked

Now you see the moon
cel://Follow/Kuiper 228/2006-03-25T12:07:30.03417?x=ZIuOEytbZ1e/hOj//////w&y=tiHsRlzhL8LsptL//////w&z=+qzdRQPG8AlNpCc&ow=0.115917&ox=0.784124&oy=-0.264483&oz=-0.549328&select=Kuiper 228&fov=2.705884&ts=1.000000&ltd=0&rf=300979&lm=230
Now you don't
cel://Follow/Kuiper 228/2006-03-25T12:07:54.97823?x=+PvGQSonVVe/hOj//////w&y=hFZOm+WaOsLsptL//////w&z=cm+Hlble6AlNpCc&ow=0.115917&ox=0.784124&oy=-0.264483&oz=-0.549328&select=Kuiper 228&fov=2.705884&ts=1.000000&ltd=0&rf=300979&lm=230

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